How to improve your listening at conferences, reading aloud with Heinrich Schliemann and your questions answered.
Reza’s got hay fever.
Reza’s been teaching in Belfast (there’s no rest for the wicked!)
Craig went to a podcasting conference in Philadelphia
Study the articles ‘a’, ‘a’ and ‘the’: https://inglespodcast.com/41
Simple English VIdeos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kb9tRoB6EI
Audio Feedback – Alfonso from Cordoba (a new listener)
Great idea to listen in the car
(pronunciation of ‘listened’ https://inglespodcast.com/60 – ‘ed’ enfinds on past regular verbs)
On the website inglespodcast.com. Also Android – Google podcasts and on Spotify.
Audio Feedback – Javier from Madrid
I am Javier – This is Javier
Past tenses: I lean – I have learned a lot / He create – he created / He remind – He remembered / He speak the text – He spoke / When he get a perfect pronunciation – when he perfected his pronunciation / He get to speak – He got to speak..
Heinrich Schliemann was a famous polyglot. He memorized texts and then repeated them. He learned at least 14 languages.
‘Camera Cafe’ Spanish TV series
What do you think of the idea of reading texts aloud?
Heinrich Schliemann: “Necessity taught me a method which greatly facilitates the study of the language. This method consists of reading a great deal aloud, without translating, having a lesson every day, constantly writing essays about subjects of interest, correcting these under the supervision of a teacher, learning them by heart, and repeating in the next lesson what was corrected on the previous day ”
Neil Gaiman, British author: “We have an obligation to read aloud to our children. To read them things they enjoy. To read to them stories we are already tired of. To do the voices, to make it interesting and not to stop reading to them just because they learn to read to themselves.” (2013)
Voice message from Alberto listening to English at conferences.
How can Alberto improve his understanding of conference presenters?
TED talks
Vary your listening sources (types of audio and accents/nationalities)
Learn to take notes
Voice message from Santiago from Mexico (sent a message last week)
You have already answered XtoX my last voice message.
This is my XreallyX voice – my actual voice (many people who send messages write and read what they say)
Try not to translate from Spanish as you’re speaking.
Modal verbs in the past – episode 219: https://inglespodcast.com/219
Voice message from Armando from The Dominican Republic
XHow I have to use…X How DO I have to use / How should I use…
XI want you to explain meX – I want you to explain IT to me.
We spoke about the difference between either and neither back in episode 56 https://inglespodcast.com/56 (June, 2015!)
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
Because the list of Patreon supporters was getting so long we won’t be listing everyone’s name on the podcast. Only new supporters who join each week. We do list your names every episode in the show notes on the website at inglespodcast.com
In August we passed our target! $102.80. We can now guarantee to produce transcripts every week!
Thank you to Bruno our Gold Sponsor on Patreon
Walking tours of Copenhagen through his company https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Castle Tours and Walking Tours of Copenhagen both in English or Spanish!
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve on their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons who are supporting the podcast:
Ana Giovanna
Dana Constantin
Patxi Ibáñez
Manuel Tarazona
Juan Carlos Rodado
Maite Palacín Perez
Lara Arlem
Néstor from Luces Extrañas
Maria Gervatti
Sara jarabo
Carlos Garrido
Juan Leyva Galera
Corey Fineran http://www.ivyenvy.com/
Miren Ful
Jose Luis Arregui
Agus Paolucci
Mariel Riedemann
Manuel Garcia Betegón
Raul Lopez
Jose Manuel Fernandez Picazo
Pilar Martinez
Ganbatte Blog
Igor Garmendia
Ignacio Espona
Ana Ibarra
Marina Ortiz Pena
Juan Carlos Pantin Fernandez
Alejandro Pluma
Alex Cuadra
Jose Emilio Villena
Esperanza Colmenero
Emilio Manuel Martinez Rivas
Txema Santa Cruz
Ana Fernandez Monterrubio
Carlos Cano Domingo
Antonio Diaz
José Antonio Muñoz
Eva Maria Elizalde Martínez
Carlos Sanchez
Elvira Cortés
Francisco Javier Alejandre Sebastian
Andrea Mio
Rogelio Menendez
Antonio Lafuente
Pablo Martínez
Javier Correa Sambade
Alejandro Martínez
Alejandra Ventura
Our latest Patrons who have joined us during the summer: Isabel Armada, Mar Carmona, Gaby Rojas (How to Pass a Job Interview ebook and audio is the first post on the Patreon page), Ana, Chus Martinez, Joana Mendes, Reynaldo Esparza Garcia, Alfonso, Luis Santiago López Caraballo, Mara Nieto, Jose Manuel Romero Garcia, Fernando Ruiz, Lucas Antonio Soto Frías, Jose Luis, Adriana Rojas Suarez, and Julia Frasquet Morant
Join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly transcribed by Angélica Bello from Madrid. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Angélica continues helping me to improve my Spanish. In episode 221:
La alma is wrong, it’s El alma.
Vender los ojos = eyes on sale 🙂
What you meant here was vendar los ojos
On next week’s episode: Diseases and illnesses (request from Gustavo Gonzalo)
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash