Latest Episodes
Useful vocabulary for travel agents and tourists – AIRC556
In this podcast, you’ll learn lots of vocabulary connected to travel agents so that you can book your holiday in English without any misunderstandings that might spoil your holiday. Useful travel phrases and holiday vocabulary: and Travel: Travel Vocabulary: in Morocco...
Perfect gerunds and infinitives – AIRC555
In our previous two podcasts, we’ve explored how gerunds and infinitives are used when one verb follows another verb in English and also when this sometimes leads to a change in meaning.In today’s podcast, you’ll learn some more advanced uses of gerunds and infinitives...
Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives with a change in meaning – AIRC554
In last week’s podcast, we explained the use some of the more common verbs that are followed by either a gerund or an infinitive. This week, you’ll learn about some verbs that can be followed by both a gerund or an infinitive but with...
Gerunds and infinitives: the basics – AIRC553
In this podcast, we intend to explain some common verbs that are followed by gerunds and the ones that are followed by infinitives so that you can avoid making mistakes when speaking English. Gerunds and infinitivesWhat’s a gerund? A gerund is the -ing form...
European Monarchies – AIRC552
In this podcast, you’ll learn about the kings and queens of Europe and some English vocabulary related to monarchies. Voice message from Walter from Belgium I will never never never (good word stress!) XforgotX forget youThere are (is) specific vocabulary that are using (used)...
Festivals Around the World – AIRC551
In this podcast, you’ll learn about some famous festivals that are celebrated around the world and some vocabulary that is associated with them. Voice message from Carmen from Huelva Do you foresee the adoption of Thanksgiving in the future?To my mind,…Have a feastI strongly...