In this podcast, you’ll learn what it means to be intelligent and some synonyms for intelligent, like wise, astute, quick-witted and savvy so that you can widen your vocabulary and sound more intelligent!
Voice message from Carmen from Almería in Spain who is now living in Switzerland
The best way to learn a language is through immersion.

Contact Craig: [email protected]
intelligence – the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
military intelligence
Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences:
- Naturalistic intelligence
- Musical intelliegence
- Body – kinesthetic intelligence
- Logical – mathemetical intelligence
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Linguistic – verbal
- Spacial – visual inteligence
street smart (practical intelligence, common sense)
a smart cookie
as sharp as a tack
to know your onions
to be bright
on the ball
clued up
to have a good head on your shoulders
to know what’s what
to know a thing or two about something
a smart ass/arse – someone who thinks s/he’s smart, but is, in fact, irritating
not to know your ass/arse from your elbow – to be stupid/unintelligent

Phrasal verbs
Figure out/work out – to solve or understand something
“I need to figure out a way to solve this maths problem.”
Pick up on – to notice or perceive something
“She picked up on the subtle clues and solved the mystery.”
Think through – to consider something carefully and thoroughly
“Before making a decision, you need to think through all the possible consequences.”
Following the creation of the Binet-Simon scale in the early 1900s, intelligence tests, now referred to as intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, are the most widely-known and used measure for determining an individual’s intelligence.
95% of the population has IQ scores between 70 and 130. However, there are some extreme examples of people with scores far exceeding 130 or far below 70.
How intelligent are you? Take the MENSA IQ test: https://www.mensa.org/public/mensa-iq-challenge
“Intelligence is not the ability to store information, but to know where to find it.”
Albert Einstein
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”
Albert Einstein
“A little knowledge (originally “learning”) is a dangerous thing.”
Alexander Pope, 1711.
Does going to school make a person more intelligent?
What insults your intelligence?
Is there a connection between intelligence and happiness? (They say ignorance is bliss!)
What do you value most in a friend – intelligence, kindness or honesty?
Can AI (artificial intelligence) replace human intelligence?
We spoke about artificial intelligence in https://inglespodcast.com/241
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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This podcast is sponsored, in part, by mansionIngles.com. Visit the online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
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Erasmo Melo
Raul Antonio Gomez
Jorge Alberto Borda
Carmen Giménez Acosta
Tomas J. Loto
Joan Carles Grau Bermejo
Teresa Gil De Biedma
Jorge Juan Mañas
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
You talked about an app that You ay around 3 euros and You can contact someone who wants to practice spanis and I can practice English with them
Yes, take a look at https://www.italki.com/ and https://www.tandem.net/