Hi, How’s it going? What’s happening? What’s going on? How many ways can you think of to say hello and goodbye in English? You’ll learn greetings and how to say ‘adiós’ in many different ways.
Voice message from Johann from Peru
“If I hadn’t started listening to your podcast, perhaps I wouldn’t have improved this much.” (3rd conditional: https://inglespodcast.com/30)
About to take the TOEFL test
One of the main problems Xlie onX (lies in) pronunciation.
Praiseworthy and commendable
Voice message from Lucas from Brazil.
Lucas wins the ‘AIRColic of the month’ award for having listened to all our episodes.
How do we say hello and goodbye in British English? What social habits do we have around greetings?
Never Can Say Goodbye:
Hi / Hey
Hi there
How’s it going?
How’re doing? (How you doing?/How are you doing)
How are you doing today? (US)
How are you? (this is what most students of English say)
What’s up?
What’s new?
What’s happening?
G’day (Australia)
Howdy (parts of the US)
What’s going on? (US)
What have you been up to?
How’s it hangin’?
How was your weekend, holiday, summer, week etc.
Regional Variations
Watchya! (Cockney/London)
How’s the craic? (Ireland)
How/What about ye?/`Bout ye? (Northern Ireland – Reza’s place of birth)
Eh up? (North of England)
Eh up me duck? (East Midlands, England)
Y’all right cock? (Manchester area, England)
Plus many many more regional variations…
How’s it going?/How’re doing? – Can’t complain/So, so/Really good, thanks/Could be worse/Mustn’t grumble/Not bad/I’m fine, thanks(…and yourself?)
What’s up?/What’s new?/What have you been up to? – Not much/Same old, same old
Goodbye (often said when you’re angry, or in a formal or dramatic setting)
See ya (you) later / Catch ya (you) later (or just ‘later’)
See ya (you) soon (or just ‘See ya’)
Take care
Take it easy
Have a good one
All the best
Keep in touch
Give me a ring
Tara (North of England/Wales)
(It was) good to see you
Until/Till the next time – for people you don’t often meet
Look after yourself – for people you don’t often meet
Safe home – obviously only if you’re not in the other person’s home!
Stay safe
Farewell – Old-fashioned/Dramatic
The Beatles – Hello, Goodbye:
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Fernando de Ávila
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On next week’s episode: Portmanteau Words
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’