Voice message from Augustin from Rwanda
Episode on translation and interpreting: https://inglespodcast.com/279
TOEFL and IELTS : https://inglespodcast.com/68
Present simple
Reza, where do you work? I work in Valencia. I teach English.
Facts, habits, permanent situations, stative (not action) verbs, regular/repeated activities, timetables:
The sun is hot.
We podcast every week. Every day I eat at least one piece of chocolate.
She’s Patrick’s sister.
I need a new pair of earphones.
Reza always/usually/occasionally/rarely takes Coco for a walk.
The bus to Birmingham leaves tonight at 11 o’clock.
Present continuous
Activities happening now: We’re recording a podcast at the moment.
Temporary situation: I’m living with a friend while my house is being painted.
Or a future plan or arrangement: I’m travelling to Belfast for Christmas.
Don’t forget that some verbs, stative verbs, are not usually in the continuous form: Do you understand what I’m saying? X Are you understanding…? X Understand-STATIVE VERB; Say-ACTION VERB: can be continuous form
I believe you. What do you want?

‘going to’+ infinitive verb
For plans, intentions and things that you expect to happen
Are you going to work this afternoon?
I’m going to be rich some day.
Is it going to (gonna) be sunny tomorrow?
Past simple:
In the past (at a specific time or period)
Did you do anything special last weekend?
When I was young I lived in a large house with a garden.
What time did you go to bed yesterday?
Present perfect:
In the past but a non-specific/undetermined time – and with a connection to now.
I’ve tried chicken liver paté – it’s quite tasty.
Some time between the past and now-
Have you made plans for Christmas yet?
Continuously from the past to now-
How long have you been teaching English? – Present perfect continuous
He hasn’t been married for very long.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Can you use these verb tenses correctly? Send us a voice message and practise them. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Carmen Romero
On next week’s episode: Vocabulary differences between British and American English
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
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Recorrido a pie por Copenhague
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