
Present simple/present continuous, pronunciation of cat/a/ and cut/u/, expressions with make and do – AIRC2

[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/mansioningles/AIRC_002_final_cut.mp3″] Gramática: Maria from Barcelona asks us to talk about the difference between present simple and present continuous 1. The present continuous (present progressive) can be used to talk about things that are happening now: “Craig and Reza are talking into a microphone.” (now). 2. The present continuous can also be used to talk about…

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Present simple/present continuous, pronunciation of cat/a/ and cut/u/, expressions with make and do - AIRC2

Present simple, make and do, the schwa – AIRC1

[app_audio src=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/mansioningles/RC_001_final_cut.mp3″] Gramática: present simple Craig likes rice. He doesn’t cook often. He doesn’t cook everyday. Craig makes a mess when he cooks. Reza’s mum is very houseproud. ‘Houseproud’ is a compound adjective. ‘Football’ is a compound noun. Use the present simple when you talk about habits and states that never change:”Reza is messy”. You can…

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Present simple, make and do, the schwa - AIRC1