In this podcast, you’ll learn how to describe how you’re feeling, which is very useful when you need medical assistance. It’s no fun when you’re sick, but it’s worse when you can’t explain your symptoms so that the doctor can treat you.
Voice message from Walter from Belgium.
“It’s still me” – It’s me again.
I would like to recommend you XtoX make an episode about health.
I suggest making an episode about health.
It would be great if you could make an episode about health.
How about making an episode about health?
I went to Norway for visiting (to visit) the country)
My head was hurting me (to have/get a headache)
Stomach ache/belly ache
Throat – to have/get a sore throat
To have difficulty breathing (pronunciation of ‘air’)
Diseases and Illnesses https://inglespodcast.com/229
At the Chemist’s, Pharmacy or Drugstore https://inglespodcast.com/190
Alternative Medicine https://inglespodcast.com/126
Getting Sick, Going to the Doctor and Describing Pain: https://inglespodcast.com/107
How to describe symptoms to a doctor
Ache – A continuous, dull pain.
“I have a slight ache in my lower back after lifting the boxes.”
Pain – A strong, unpleasant feeling caused by injury or illness. (Or mental suffering caused by a trauma.)
“I felt a sharp pain in my ankle after twisting it.”
A stabbing pain
Sore – Painful or aching, often due to inflammation.
“My throat is sore and it hurts when I swallow.”
Fatigue – Extreme tiredness or lack of energy. “I feel lifeless”
“I’ve been experiencing fatigue ever since I started working night shifts.”
Nausea – The feeling of wanting to vomit.
“The smell of the food made her feel nauseous.”
Dizzy – Feeling unsteady or lightheaded.
“I stood up too quickly and felt dizzy for a moment. My head was spinning”
Chills – A feeling of coldness often associated with fever.
“I’ve been getting chills even though the room is warm.”
Cough – The sudden expulsion of air from the lungs, often due to illness.
“I can’t stop coughing and it’s worse when I move around a lot.”
Congestion – Blockage of the nasal passages.
“I can’t breathe through my nose because of the congestion in my chest.”
Fever/Temperature – A body temperature higher than normal. To run a fever
“I had a fever/temperature of 39°C and needed to rest.”
Wind – a build up, accumulation of gasses in your body, often in the chest or digestive area.
Rash – A red, irritated area on the skin.
“The rash on my upper arm really itches and it’s spread to my chest.”
Bruise – An injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact.
“I fell over while playing football and I think I’ve bruised my ribs quite badly. It hurts when I breath”
Swollen – Enlarged or puffed up, often due to inflammation.
“My ankle is swollen. I twisted it while playing tennis and I think I’ve sprained it.”
Sprain – An injury in a joint caused by sudden movement.
“I sprained my ankle when I landed from a great height.”
Burning sensation – A painful feeling of heat in a part of the body.
“I’ve got a burning sensation in my stomach and I’ve lost my appetite.”
Tingling – A slight prickling or stinging feeling, often in the limbs.
“I get a tingling sensation in my lower legs after sitting too long. It feels like pins and needles”
Numbness – The absence of sensation in a part of the body.
“I can’t feel my feet. They’ve gone numb.”
Shortness of breath – Difficulty breathing.
“I Get short of breath after climbing the stairs. I have trouble breathing”
Upset tummy – When your stomach doesn’t feel right, or you have diarrhoea.
“Eating a lot of seafood always gives me an upset tummy.”
Sweats – Episodes of excessive perspiration.
“I wake up sweating in the middle of the night and I can’t get back to sleep. I feel very restless”
Stiffness – Difficulty in moving a joint or muscle.
“My neck is stiff after sleeping awkwardly and it’s painful when I move my head from side to side.”
Hot flushes – Feeling suddenly warm and/or having skin redness.
“I’ve started to have hot flushes since the menopause began.”
Blurred vision – A lack of sharpness in eyesight.
“I get blurred vision a lot, especially after I exercise or get out of breath.”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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In next week’s episode: How to speak about daily routines
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’