Food vocabulary phrasal verbs that have nothing to do with food – AIRC529

Food vocabulary phrasal verbs that have nothing to do with food - AIRC529

We’ve been CHEWING OVER a different way to teach you some phrasal verbs and it all BOILS DOWN TO making this podcast interesting for you so that you remember the phrasal verbs and don’t CLAM UP when you have to use them.

So, we’ve COOKED UP an original way to present some phrasal verbs like boil down to, chew over, clam up and cook up and we hope it will all PAN OUT successfully!

Phrasal verbs with food vocabulary that have nothing to do with food – in other words, they’re idiomatic.

chew over – to think about something carefully and at length, often in order to make a decision.

boil over – lose your temper or self-control. “Tensions finally boiled over and a fight broke out.”

cool down – to become calmer after a tense experience

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boil down to – to be the main reason or cause

egg on – to encourage someone to do something risky or foolish

chicken out – to decide not to do something because of fear or lack of courage. “She wanted to ask for a raise, but she chickened out during the meeting.”

clam up – don’t talk anymore

duck down – behind the wall
veg out – on the sofa and watch a movie

butter up – to flatter someone and pay them compliments because you want something

fork out – for an expensive meal

cook up – a plan

whip up – to prepare something quickly; to incite a feeling in others. “The politicians tried to whip up patriotic support for their plans.”

fish for – a compliment

bake in – to include something from the beginning

pan out – completed successfully

heat up – to become more active, intense, or angry. “Our conversation started to heat up when he accused me of being dishonest.”

…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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In next week’s episode: Bullying

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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’

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