In this podcast episode, you’ll learn a wide variety of useful vocabulary connected to the topic of retirement and aging. You don’t have to be advanced in years or past your prime to enjoy this podcast episode, but it helps!
Voice message from Adrián from Barcelona
I’m curious about what (do) you think about Spanish dishes
Spanish Food from a British Perspective: https://inglespodcast.com/299
Idioms and expressions to speak about aging
elderly (noun and adjective)
old folks – informal
aging gracefully
live to a ripe old age
getting on a bit/getting on in years
advancing years
senior citizen
past your prime
over the hill
no spring chicken
long in the tooth
has seen better days
an old dear – possibly offensive
an old git – definitely offensive
a tough old bird
They don’t make ‘em (them) like that any more!

Pension: A regular payment made during a person’s retirement from the government of an investment fund to which that person or their employer has contributed during their working life.
Example: After 30 years of service, she receives a generous pension that allows her to travel.
Social Security: A government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income.
Example: You won’t get a state pension if you haven’t made social security contributions.
Nest Egg: A sum of money saved for the future or for retirement.
Example: Over the years, she carefully built a nest egg that would allow her to retire comfortably.
Downsizing: The process of reducing the size or number of something, often referring to a person moving to a smaller residence or a company reducing its number of employees.
Example: After their children moved out, the couple considered downsizing to a smaller home to reduce their living expenses.
Leisure Activities: Enjoyable activities that one engages in during free time, often for relaxation or pleasure.
Example: His retirement was filled with leisure activities, from painting and gardening to fishing by the lake.
Early retirement: Retiring before the typical age of retirement, often with a reduced pension.
Example: He took early retirement at 55 to enjoy more leisure time.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of taking early retirement?
What activities do retirees find most fulfilling in their golden years?
What are the key components of a successful retirement?
How do you plan on spending your retirement?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. What’s the age of retirement in your country? Are you retired? How are you enjoying (or not!) your retirement years? If you’re not retired yet, how do you intend on spending it?
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’