Many years ago, before we moved around in cars, lorries and buses we rode horses everywhere. On the road at certain places there were stones that showed you how many miles you had to travel to reach your destination. These were called milestones.
These days we have road signs, GPS and Google maps but the word milestone is used to talk about an important event or a significant stage in the development of something. We’ve reached a milestone of 500 episodes with this podcast!
We recorded the first episode of this podcast on the 8th of October, 2013 and published it on the website on January the 30th, 2014.

Our first voice message from the audience was David from Valencia back in episode 22.
Gabi from Peru sent us a recording of her mum playing a Peruvian tune on the flute for us in episode 176.
Over the years we’ve learned so much from you and you have never disappointed us with your enthusiasm for sharing knowledge. Here is Marcelo from episode 177 explaining why there is a sun on the flag of Argentina.
Some AIRCoholics send many messages and we think of them almost as extended family. Here’s Mamen from Biescas who we met in person when she came to Valencia with her sister.
Mamen talks about episode 183 – How to take your relationship to the next physical level in English with our friend, ex-colleague and English teacher Bea. Many listeners have commented on Bea’s lovely accent and how clearly she speaks.
We’ve received some very creative messages, like Fofi’s from Badajoz.
Episode 258 – Javier Delgado from Lucena, Córdaba. The difference between a Vespa Scooter and a Harley Davidson Nightster 1200cc motorbike. This was about the topic of sounds that have been trademarked.
Most of our listeners are from Spain and Latin America. However, we also have listeners from other countries. Here is a sample of some of the people and countries we have reached with the podcast.
The third from last speaker was Hamza Haji from Ethiopia.
There are many listeners living and working in the UK and the US and also Australia. A special hello to Alberto from Australia and others who have sent voice messages over the years; David, Alejandro, Carlos, Juan and Julio, to name a few.
Please keep sending us voice messages. It’s a great way to improve your speaking and fluency.
Some of Craig’s favourite episodes
353 – chocolate / 207 – biscuits
238 – body language
217 – 10 fish you should know (also the episodes about nuts, beer, cheese, wine etc)
450 – chicken idioms
Some of Reza’s favourite episodes
365 – A day in the life of Coco the podcasting dog
418 – A children’s story
171 – Josep’s true English story
449 – The Old Satchel Story by Jose Molina Marco
281 – Things to do in Belfast
All episodes related to food and/or drink (including amongst others AIRC 207 Biscuits, 210 Wine, 189 Butcher vocabulary, 274 Vegans and vegetarians, and last but not least, 491 Cakes and pastries.
The chocolate selection in this episode was kindly provided by Pilar from France and the chocolatier Dominique Caccamo https://www.caccamo-ladacquoise.fr/
Your favourite episodes
Wessel from Brazil
Moral dilemmas: https://inglespodcast.com/475
Cristina from Marbella
Affordable luxuries: https://inglespodcast.com/469
Jessica from Brazil: Overcoming shyness and hesitation when speaking English: https://inglespodcast.com/447
Jose from Sevilla: Used to, be used to, get used to and usually in English
We love it when we hear that you have had success because of your English. Here are only a few examples….
Thank you to Jose Molino Marco, all the guests that have been on to share expertise (Stephen from Send7 – news, Hadar – pronunciation, Clare-CVs, Christian – fluency, Bree – SMART goals and organising your studies, Luke for rambling, Estefania-flight attendent etc)
Special thanks to you for listening and for sending such wonderful messages. Please keep sending them in 2024. It’s the only way we know anyone is listening!
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected]
This podcast is sponsored, in part, by mansionIngles.com. Visit the online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
Thank you to our Patreon supporters. Join our Patreon program for as little as $1.50 per month and you get instant access to the transcriptions of this podcast. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Porfirio Montenegro
Débora López
Isabel Ramón González
In next week’s episode: Assertiveness – suggested by Eziquiel from Argentina
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tell your friends.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’