How can you get to C2 Proficiency level English AND teach English for The British Council?
That’s what Fabio Cerpelloni has done and on this podcast, I ask him how he did it.
We also speak about Fabio’s book club which is based on telling stories in English.
If you are a regular listener, Reza is not with me this week, but I do have a fascinating guest.
Fabio was born and grew up in Italy, but he’s managed to reach such a high level with his English that he is now teaching it. I know what you’re thinking; how did he manage that? What’s the secret? Keep listening and fabio will tell you his story.
Fabio is based between Milan and Como in Italy.

Improve your speaking fluency with Craig
How did Fabio get his English to such a high level?
Fabio lived, worked and studied in London for one and a half years. He arrived with a weak B2 level and quickly improved by using English on a daily basis.
His work colleagues, whose English was better than his, motivated Fabio to improve.
He passed his Cambridge B2 First exam in London.
Then Fabio moved to Australia and did various jobs such as picking fruit, working in restaurants and selling paintings door to door for two years.
Fabio improved his English by self-study and noticing how people spoke on a day-to-day basis.
After Australia, Fabio moved to New Zealand where he took a CELTA course and started teaching English. He passed his Cambridge C2 Proficiency exam before he passed the CELTA teacher-training course.
B2 First exam, formerly known as Cambridge English: First (FCE): https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/first/
C2 Proficiency, formerly known as Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE): https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/proficiency/
CELTA – Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/
Did Fabio hit an intermediate plateau or ever feel discouraged about learning English?
He got frustrated in a lower-level C1 Advanced course while he was studying for the C2 exam. He later realised that was a mistake and that he should have practised with his classmates.
Fabio was also motivated by taking exams and setting the next level exam as his next goal.
Check out Fabios podcast and non-fiction book club at fabiocerpelloni.com
What one thing, if you were to tell someone about yourself, would they find difficult to believe?
Fabio hates waking up with an alarm and sleeps in a different room so that he doesn’t hear it!
Fabio’s podcast is called Stolaroid Stories Listen to Fabio interviewing me on his podcast: https://fabiocerpelloni.com/craig/
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Very interesting. In my opinion a good “inmersion” is the only way of having such a good English. Reading, listening music, talking constantly even alone at home. Thanks for the podcast.
I agree, Nuria. Many English students want this high level that Fabio has attained, but it’s not easy to commit to such total immersion for a great length of time.
Hey Craig, hey Fabio
I really liked this episode. It’s great how he took all of these courses and managed to pass the CPE! It’s great how he turned his passion into his profession as well! Kudos to Fabio! I had never been living in a foreign country. That is so brave and interesting!!! Cheers, Daniel Goodson from Switzerland.
Thanks Daniel. It’s really nice of you to say that. Fabio certainly shows a way for students to reach the top of the English mountain.