You’ll learn all about subject pronouns and object pronouns so that you’ll know the difference between you and me and you and I.
Voice message from Dantise from Brazil who is living in Canada.
Subject pronouns
- I – we
- you – you
- he/she/it – they
Object pronouns
- me – us
- you – you
- him/her/it – them
‘I’ is a subject pronoun and ‘me’ is an object pronoun.
“I love you” is correct. X”Me love you.”X is not correct.
“She loves me.” (‘me’ is the object)
“You and I do the podcast together.” (‘you’ and ‘I’ are both subjects – we. This sounds formal and old-fashioned, but it is really the correct way)
“You and me do the podcast together.” (‘you’ and ‘me’ are both subjects in this sentence – we.
This way used to be considered incorrect, but it is now more common than the original technically correct way! ‘Me’ is not used as a subject on its own, but the phrase ‘you and me’ can be used as a subject.)
“Reza and I love podcasting.” (‘Reza’ and ‘I’ are both subjects). “Reza and me love podcasting.” is also possible.
“Reza and me will have a pint of lager.”
“Reza and I will have a pint of lager.”
Both the above sentences are often said by native English speakers.
“Reza and I” is more common in formal and written English.
“Reza and me”, “You and me” etc is more common in spoken and informally written English.
You and I/me (We) are learning about English grammar.
This podcast will help you and me (us) to speak better English.
We also use object pronouns after prepositions (including after phrasal verbs).
It’s really important to her.
Can the dog go with you?
Look at me!
The chocolate is for us.
“Excuse me, can you take a picture of my friends and I?” or
“Excuse me, can you take a picture of my friends and m?” – my friends and ME.
Wherever you would say “me” you say “…and me”; wherever you would say “I” you say “…and I.”
So, “I take a picture” and “My friends and I/me take a picture”
“Take a picture of me” and “Take a picture of my friends and me.”
“My friends and I are going to the beach.” or “My friends and me are going to the beach.” – My friends and I are going to the beach.
“Between you and me, I think we should give another example.” or “Between you and I, I think we should give another example.” – Between you and me.C
Object pronouns for emphasis-
A- Do you prefer meat or fish?
B- Me, I definitely prefer fish.
A- Are you guys ready to leave?
B- Us, we’re ready, but Bob and Cathy are still getting dressed.
Most young people like fizzy drinks. Me, I can’t stand them (myself). – ‘Myself’ gives extra emphasis
Object pronouns as answers-
A- Who did that?
B- Me.
A- Has anyone brought any food?
B- Us. We’ve brought some sandwiches.
Mistakes in written English
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice: “All debts are cleared between you and I.”
The English poet and playwright Ben Jonson wrote the line, “Musco has been with my cousin and I all this day.”
Mistakes in Music
“You & I” by Lady Gaga
… (Something), something, something about my cool Nebraska guy
Yeah something about baby you and I …
“You & I” by One Direction
…Not even the Gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between you and I …
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Ana Criado
On next week’s episode: Pilots, Flying and Aviation Vocabulary
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’