You’ll learn how word stress changes some words from a verb to a noun and from a noun to a verb so that you can improve your pronunciation.
We also explain the difference between behaviour, demeanour and conduct.
Voice message from Paulina from New Zealand
Preparing IELTS exam
to COME UP WITH ideas
IELTS writing task 2
“You will be presented with a topic and will be tested on your ability to respond by giving and justifying an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing details, outlining problems, identifying possible solutions and supporting what you write with reasons, arguments and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”
Voice message from Antonio from Madrid
Listening for 3 years while commuting in Casablanca in Morocco
XI’m keepX (I keep) listening to your updates
Behaviour/behavior – how people actually do things
Demeanour/demeanor – how people move, their body language, facial expressions etc (how they look and behave – also reflects character and feelings)
‘Reza has a very friendly demeanour.’ He smiles a lot, makes eye contact and has very open body language. He comes across as being very friendly
conduct (slightly more formal)
Behaviour is how you demonstrate your actions. Conduct is the relationship between your actions and the norms of society.
Changing word stress on verbs and nouns
Word Stress with Wayne – AIRC180
Noun: CONduct “His conduct left much to be desired.”
Verb: conDUCT “Please conduct yourself in a proper manner.”
(to conduct an experiment, a business, an investigation, an inquiry, an orchestra)
Decrease and Increase
Noun: DEcrease/INcrease “We’ve seen a decrease/increase in COVID infections.”
Verb: deCREASE/inCREASE “Numbers are decreasing/increasing every month.”
Import and export
Noun: IMport “What’s Spain’s top import?”
Verb: imPORT “January 2021, Spain imported more than it exported.” (Spain exported €21.2 billion and imported €22.9 billion, resulting in a negative trade balance of €1.69 billion.)
Noun: OBject “Do you believe in UFOs?”
Verb: obJECT “I objected to being spoken to in that tone of voice.”
Noun: PREsent “When was the last time someone gave you a present?”
Verb: preSENT “I miss going to conferences and presenting on podcasting.”
Noun: INsult “the salary you’re offering is an insult.”
Verb: inSULT “I won’t insult you by saying no!”
Noun: DIScount “Is there a discount on these trousers?”
Verb: disCOUNT “People often discount my theory on vaccine wars.”
Noun: UPdate “We’ve got some updates on the podcast for you.”
Verb: upDATE “We’re updating our website.”
Noun: UPgrade “We got an upgrade on our flight to business class.”
Verb: upGRADE “It’s time to upgrade my mobile phone.”
Noun: REfund “I’d like a refund, please. Here’s the receipt”
Verb: reFUND “They said they’ll refund the deposit.”
Noun: REbel “He never obeys orders – he’s a rebel.”
Verb: reBEL “The separatist group are rebelling against the governmen t:”
Noun: CONtest “Brian won the photography contest:”
Verb: conTEST “She wanted more money, so she contested her father’s will.”
Noun: PROject “Are you working on any interesting projects?”
Verb: proJECT “What do you project for next year?”
Noun: PERmit “You need a permit to go fishing here:”
Verb: perMIT “Their company won’t permit them to smoke while on duty.”
Noun: CONtract “Have you signed the contract?”
Verb: conTRACT “Spain’s economy is contracting.”
Noun: CONflict “There’s been more armed conflict in Burma.”
Verb: conFLICT “On what subjects does our opinion conflict?”
Noun: USA- ADdress; UK- adDRESS “What’s your new address?”
Verb: adDRESS “The President will address the nation tonight.”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash