Learn about opiates, get some book recommendations and discover how to improve your fluency in English.
Voice message from Alejandro from Colombia
Anesthesiologist – anesthesia – anesthetic (to numb the pain)
A ‘fellowship’ in pain (grant or a specialty?)
propose (to you) a topic – to propose/suggest a topic
thank you for INSPIRING us to improve our English
Opiates are natural or synthetic drugs that have a morphine-like pharmacological action.
Medically, opiates are used primarily for the relief of pain. Ingestion of bakery products containing poppy seeds can also cause morphine to be excreted in urine.
Voice message from Maria from Tenerife living in Salamanca
‘I’m aspiring to a job as a physician’
A friend of mine XrecommendX me (recommended)
Pronunciation of ‘focus’ and ‘recommenDED’
British English is ‘like music to my ears’
At the Chemist’s, Pharmacy or Drugstore – AIRC190
Alternative Medicine – AIRC126
Getting Sick, Going to the Doctor and Describing Pain – AIRC107
Voice message from Pedro from Spain
Small talk: How to start a conversation and make small talk – AIRC77
Beyond the English Language – AIRC312 (Integrating into British culture and working abroad)
Voice message from Estefania from Madrid
I RAN into your podcast a month ago
In XaX THE near future
I Xused toX USUALLY XhearX listen to it as much as I can
Some XactualX (CURRENT, MODERN-DAY) books
The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker – a feminist Iliad (anything by Virginia Woolf, The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer)
Some book recommendations: How to write an email to a technical support team – AIRC177
In answer to a question from Melina from Argentina (B2 level) who read Harry Potter
Voice message from Denis from Honduras
XMy minds go blankX – my mind goes blank
listen TO all of your podcasts – congratulations! Well done!
How to improve fluency: practice online/in person with friends, start a conversation group, record your voice, get a private teacher. If you don’t know what to speak about: Speaking fluency practice activities – AIRC362
…and, if you want to improve your speaking, send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
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Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Fernando Figliolo
Juan Rios
‘No name’ who, along with Miguel, is supporting us for more than the minimum amount.
On next week’s episode: Changing word stress on verbs and nouns
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
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