Celebration, Education and other words with -tion and -sion endings – AIRC343

Celebration, Education and other words with -tion and -sion endings - AIRC343

On this week’s podcast, learn about the word endings -tion and -sion. We also answer your questions and discuss your comments.

Voice message from Eric from La Gomera
Pace in English: https://inglespodcast.com/336

Voice message from Jose Ignacio
How to take your relationship to the next physical level in English: https://inglespodcast.com/183
How to flirt and start a conversation in English: https://inglespodcast.com/338

Voice message from Luis from Venezuela
Argentina: https://inglespodcast.com/294
Besides XofX everything…
Barbeques in Argentina and wonderful ‘cuts of meat’.
R.I.P. Diego Maradona who passed away November 25th, 2020 at the age of 60.

Voice message from Igor from San Sebastian
It’s been a long time since I haven’t got (I’ve been) in touch
XI would like you could talkX – I would like you to talk about..
Xin particularlyX – particularly OR in particular
audio record (recording)

There are rules, but they are complicated. We’ll mention some here, but for more details go to: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Commonly-Confused-Suffixes-tion-vs-sion.htm

Use “-tion” with verbs ending in “-ate”
celebrate – celebration
communicate – communication
hesitate – hesitation
educate – education

There are exceptions:
revolt – revolution
starve – starvation
elect – election
act – action
flirt – flirtation
rate – rating

Use “-ation” with verbs ending in “-ize/-ise” and “ify”
authorize/ise – authorization/authorisation
customize – customization
specialize – specialization
organize – organization
humanize – humanization

There are exceptions:
capsize – capsizal/capsizing
compromise – compromise
surprise – surprise

clarify – clarification
justify – justification
certify – certification
amplify – amplification
simplify – simplification

Use “-sion” with verbs ending in “-de”
invade -invasion
decide – decision
explode – explosion
conclude – conclusion
collide – collision
deride – derision

The pronunciation is the same /shun/

…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].

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Welcome to our new Patreon supporters who have joined us this month:
Victor Cristobal
Juanlu Anaya
Maria Jose Ruiz Guzman
Miguel Gonzalez
Vero (Veronica Rodriguez)

On next week’s episode: New Zealand

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’

music by Jason Shaw from audionautix.com Creative Commons 4.0 International licence

Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com

Photo by Nqobile Vundla on Unsplash

2 comments on “Celebration, Education and other words with -tion and -sion endings – AIRC343


    Hi Craig and Reza,

    First of all, thanks a lot for choosing the topic I suggested to you for this episode of Inglespodcast, also thanks for your advice and corrections about my recording. It’s very weird to hear to oneself speaking in a language you don’t totally control but it’s good to realize for the mistakes that you can do. I think many mistake cames from ”Spainglish” that I do.
    I also want to take the chance to suggest to you another topic for a next episode. If I remember well I think you both once said that you were keen on science and that stuff, well, so am I, and the these days I am getting really impressed with the subject of genetic new researches, genoma modificación and so on. I am talking about what it’s called Crispr and Crispr-cas 9 technology. It’s really awesome the new panorama we will have in few years , most of all , with all the ethical dilemma could present to us this technology. In Netflix, there are two documentary about this that makes blowup my mind. One is Human Nature and the other one is Antinatural selection. I fleart out with both of them , I strongly recommend to you.
    To finish just desire you good time in this days and tell to you that if you ever came to San Sebastian again I’ll be please to meet you both in person. Hugs,

    1. Craig says:

      Hi Igor. Have you heard the podcast we did about new food sources? I think you’ll like it: https://inglespodcast.com/2020/12/06/new-food-sources-airc341/
      I’ll definitely watch those two Netflix documentaries on Netflix. They sound interesting. But first I have to finish watching the Mandalorian!

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