Guillermina has a bed and breakfast cottage in Spain and has asked for help when speaking with her English-speaking guests.
Camila from Chile living in Austria
TOEFL test needs B2
Writing and reading XadvicesX – advice
The TOEFL and IELTS Test https://inglespodcast.com/68
How to improve your reading skills https://inglespodcast.com/280
Magoosh: https://magoosh.com/toefl/2016/7-ways-improve-toefl-writing-score/ Ihttps://go.italki.com/aprenderingles
“Get $10 USD in italki Credits with your first purchase”
italki: https://go.italki.com/aprenderingles
Voice message from Guillermina from Asturias, Spain
A Touring Holiday in the UK: https://inglespodcast.com/164
Casa Rural – cottage, farmhouse, rural guesthouse
Bed and breakfast = B & B – 1. a small place for paying guests; 2. a service that can be reserved in any of the above or in a hotel
check in / check out
(front) desk / reception
to fill in your details (at the desk)
Full English (breakfast) – fried bacon, egg, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast, etc. with tea
Continental breakfast – lighter breakfast of cereal and toast or similar
inn – posada, pensión, taverna
double / single bed / king-size bed / twin beds
adjoining rooms
en-suite bathroom V shared bathroom
to go sightseeing
baggage / luggage (At the airport: “baggage (re)claim” / “luggage (re)claim” / “un(re)claimed baggage” / lost luggage) In American English, baggage is more common.
fully-booked – no vacancies
to make a reservation/booking
room rate
room service
linen / bedclothes
a spare pillow / pillow case
a baby’s cot
tea (-making) facilities
housekeeping (maid)
wake up call
With guests, use polite expressions: ‘Would you like…’ (not do you want), Would you mind…, Could I get you…. ,and indirect questions: https://inglespodcast.com/50
What advantages/disadvantages do small B&Bs have over large hotels?
What difficulties might a B&B owner face on a weekly basis?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Ana Sol
Jennifer Risco Villon
Angel Hazas
Jose Luis Hernandez
Blanca Lorca
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On next week’s episode: Working abroad
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Angel Barnes on Unsplash