Is it correct to say make research or do research? Make progress or do progress? What about arrangements, housework and love – is it do or make? We’ll give you the answers today in this episode of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig.
Happy New Year audio message from our friend Mamen from Biescas
I XtakeX a break- took a break
Igor Garmendia De La Vega Went to Cardiff on January 6th. Episode 192 on Wales
Make and Do
We spoke about make and do in episodes 1 and 2.
Uses of DO
When talking about work, jobs or tasks.
Do homework
Do projects
Do research
Do housework (the ironing, the shopping, the cleaning, the laundry, the cooking, the washing up etc)
If you weren’t a teacher, whi ch job would you like to do?
DO is also used to talk about activities in general without being specific.
Don’t just stand there DO something!
Do nothing
Do everything
Do anything
Hurry up! I’ve got things to do!
Is there anything I can do to help you?
Do what you like. I don’t care!
We can also use DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious.
Do I need to do my hair? (do = brush or comb)
Have you done the dishes yet? (done = washed)
I’ll do the kitchen if you do the bathroom (do = clean)
Uses of MAKE
Make is usually used for producing, constructing, creating or building something new.
This desk is made of wood.
What’s wine made from?
When was the last time you bought something that wasn’t made in China?
We also use make for producing an action or reaction:
Sad films make me cry.
We hope that this podcast makes you happy.
Don’t blame me for eating the last chocolate biscuit. Reza made me do it!
Use make before certain nouns about plans and decisi ons:
Make arrangements
Make plans
Make a decision
Make reservations
Make a choice
Make a move eg. Politicians wait to make their move to become leaders at just the right time.
Make a suggestion
Make a recommendation
Make a start
Use make with nouns about speaking and certain sounds:
Make a comment
Make a suggestion
Make a noise/sound/racket
Make a phone call
Make a promise
Make a speech
Make an announcement
We use make with food, drink and meals:
Make tea, coffee, a cocktail
Make a sandwich, make lunch, make a salad, make a paella.
When was the last time you made a cake?
Test – DO or MAKE?

an offer – MAKE
a course – DO
war, peace and love – MAKE
your mind up – MAKE
a fart – DO
an effort – MAKE
an excuse – MAKE
a favor – DO
an impression – MAKE an impression (on someone)/DO an impression of someone/something
eg. She made a good impression on her new boss./He can do an impression of Donald Duck.
a project – DO
a pass at someone – MAKE
a point – MAKE
a profit / a loss – MAKE
business – DO
money – MAKE
a deal – DO/MAKE
exercises / exercise – DO
research – DO
the gardening – DO
inquiries – MAKE
progress – MAKE
sense – MAKE
well / badly / harm – DO
a complaint – MAKE
friends/enemies – MAKE
a fuss – MAKE
work – DO
your best/worst – DO
a living – MAKE
a mess – MAKE eg. Coco the dog never makes a mess on the carpet PHYSICAL; the teacher made a mess of the lesson – he didn’t know what he was doing METAPHORICAL.
a mistake / an error – MAKE
the bed – MAKE
good – DO (NB. different to “do well”)
do – To make do
eg. During the war my grandparents had to make do with the limited resources they had
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons who are supporting the podcast (names on the website)
Special thanks to Bruno our Gold Sponsor who offers walking tours of Copenhagen – in English and Spanish – https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
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Welcome to our new Patreon supporter who has joined us this month:
Luis Lobo Martinez
On next week’s episode: Family Idioms
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Our Wonderful Podcast Patreons are:
Adriana Rojas Suarez
Agus Paolucci
Alberto Valverde Conde
Alejandra Ventura
Ana Fernandez Monterrubio
Ana Giovanna
Ana Ibarra
Antonio diaz
Antonio Lafuente
Beatriz Garlaschi
Carlos Cano Domingo
Carlos Garrido
Carlos Sanches
Chus Martinez
Copenhagen Walking Tour
Elvira Cortes
Esperanza Colmenero
Eva Maria Elizalde MartÃnez
Fernando Ruiz
Francisco Javier Alejandre Sebastian
Gaby Rojas
Ignacio Espona
Igor Garmendia
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Javier Correa Sambade
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Jose Luis Arregui
Jose Luis Hernandez
Jose Manuel Pelaez Invernon
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Miren Ful
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Rogelio Menendez
Sara Jarabo
Txema Santa Cruz
Oliver Burgos
Luis Jimenez
I have another one: do errands
Yes. Also, do tasks. We can say ‘do errands’ or ‘run errands’.
Also: make purchases