What’s the difference between even if, even so and even though? We’ll explain that in this episode.
Hi to Isaac Mateus from Brazil. Thanks for listening!
Voice message from Santiago from Mexico
como quede = however it sounds
You sound great!
Tidal waves: https://inglespodcast.com/184 Natural Disasters
In respect with this – In respect to this / with reference to this / as far as this is concerned / regarding this / speaking of this
A podcast about space – great idea (We spoke about Aliens and UFOs – https://inglespodcast.com/174 )
How can I make (have) a conversation with him
The difference between even though and even if
This was a question from a student last week. The problem is when you look up in the dictionary, the translation is the same ‘aunque’ / ‘a pesar de que’, but we don’t use them in the same way in English.
Even though can be used with different verb tenses and has a similar meaning to although and though, but it’s more emphatic. It puts more emphasis on the two clauses it connects. (NB. Even although is incorrect English.)
“Even though I had the money, I didn’t buy the phone.”
“She left me even though she said she still loved me.”
Even if = in the unlikely case that….what you will do at a future time despite something which might go against your plan. For example:
I’ll carry on working even if I win the lottery.
Even if they offer to pay me more, I won’t teach kids.
Even so can be used instead of “Even though/if + phrase/clause” to avoid repetition. But it starts a second sentence, instead of just using one sentence.
I loved her very much. Even so, I decided to say goodbye forever. = Even though I loved her very much , I decided to say goodbye forever.
They might threaten to kill me. Even so, I won’t surrender. = Even if they threaten to kill me, I won’t surrender.
Would you go against your moral principles even if you knew it was wrong?
Is it always wise to be honest, even though you might offend someone?
Even if a cold-blooded murderer is very sorry for their actions, should they be pardoned? If so, in what circumstances?
Why do mothers-in-law often find fault in their son’s wife, even if their daughters-in-law are flawless (= perfect) in every way?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Castle Tours and Walking Tours of Copenhagen both in English or Spanish!
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio, led by local guides only. It’s safe and it helps the community to improve their daily needs. Go to Bruno’s websites to find out more information: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
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On next week’s episode: Homophones
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
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are the better person i know keeping like this :3