How to Change the Subject in English – AIRC218

How to Change the Subject in English - AIRC218

What can you say in English if you want to talk about something else? Maybe you’re bored or you want to talk about something more relevant to you. We’ll show you how on this episode of Aprender Inglés with Reza and Craig.

Voice feedback from Alberto from Italy on episode
Great pronunciation (and audio quality)
Things to say TO you

Alberto also sent us an email with his reactions to our comments:
On tourism, he said that tourism represents only 11% of the Gross Domestic Product GDP (PIB, producto interior bruto), perhaps it should be higher (Spain’s is 16% according to La Caixa research, 2017)

You’re right, we have a particular love for food and wine, we appreciate good delicacy, accompanied by a good wine; about truffle, the most famous (and expensive…) truffle in Italy, maybe in the world, is the white truffle from Alba (in Piemonte, northern Italy), I think you’d know Alba because is the Nutella’s birth place!

Cremona is in northern Italy, not far from Verona where you stayed for some day Craig. If you come to visit Italy Cremona may be a good place, not so famous as Venezia, Firenze, Roma….but very nice, near Bergamo, Verona, Mantova, Milano, and not so far from Ferrara and Padova. Also near Garda Lake, you should visit it all these places.

I live in Milano, and I’ve to say that since about 10 years ago Milano has been changing a lot, reducing pollution, investing in recycling, investing in public transport with new tube lines, new electric buses, underground trains, public and private car, scooter and bike sharing, lots of bike lanes. Moreover is the most modern city in Italy, there are lots of new buildings, new skyscrapers….lots of events, fashion week, design week, arch week… conclusion…..I’m sure is becoming one of the great European capitals.

Once more you’re right when you say that we have a tendency to judge other people by what they wear, how they match colors with clothes…and so on….yes, it seems that sometimes we are obsessed with appearance, and it’s true. Nevertheless, I love the way French, Spanish, English behave, when I travel to those countries, for example, it seems that you could wear shorts also in an elegant restaurant, and nobody will notice it…’s not a problem! (Maybe some people do notice it, but we just don’t care!)

Reza, you said it’s so easy to identify an Italian……it’s true and I don’t understand how it’s possible…..I mean, I’m walking along a street, a crowded street, maybe Oxford street in London, or 5th avenue in NYC, and a guy stops me saying….”Italiano?”….how do you know that? Now I know it could be because of our clothes, or shoes or something.

What about politics? In Italy we use the idiomatic expression “stendere un velo pietoso” (spread a pitiful veil). it could be an interesting separate topic, just to understand how it’s possible to be in such a ridiculous and dangerous situation, coming from an high level historical tradition, while…..nowadays…..we have to deal with such a mediocrity! (It will be interesting to see the effect Giuseppe Conte’s new government will have on the European Union)

Finally, just few words, but I care a lot, about the mafia: it’s a real shame that one of the most known aspects regarding Italy in the world is the mafia, but it’s true….maybe you remember the terrible summer in 1992, when Giovanni Falcone first, and Paolo Borsellino after few days, were killed, together with many other people, by two terrible bombs: they were two famous Italian judges, who were fighting against the Mafia, and they died for their work: there is a picture that represents them together, smiling, if you search in google “Falcone & Borsellino” you’ll find it: I’m sure it represents our willingness to fight and defeat the mafia.

That’s all, thank you again and bye bye from Alberto

Yes, Alberto, we remember those tragic murders very well. Two extremely brave men:


How to change the subject in English how to change the subject

By the way, (por cierto, a propósito) (incidentally,…)

That reminds me,…

Anyway…. (de todas formas, de todos modos) – or

I wanted to mention…

We need to talk about…

Oh, I wanted to tell you…

It’s funny you should mention that…

Oh, before I forget,…

Changing the subject,…

Speaking of……, ‘Speaking of things becoming so expensive, I paid 2 euros for an avocado yesterday!’
– ‘Speaking of money, can you lend me 50?’


Moving on, turning to….(in a meeting)

Reza, what did you do yesterday?

Ask a question that’s connected to the topic to guide the conversation away.
When talking about yesterday’s football match, for example:
Have you always been interested in football?
Do you play? Did you used to play?
What else did you do apart from watch the match?
Would you be willing to travel to another country to see your team play?

Emergency tactics when you’re at a conference or a party: Go to the toilet, go to bar to get another drink, go outside to make a phone call. ‘Please excuse me for a moment’

What advice do you give your students about being more comfortable in social situations?
Have you ever had any uncomfortable social situations or encounters? If so, how did you deal with them?

…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Send us a comment or a question
Send us a voice message.
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].

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Join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly transcribed by Angélica Bello from Madrid.

Thank you to Patricia Alonso who continues working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 1 to 22 and 131 to 142. Not only Patricia, but others in the past who have helped us like Arminda from Madrid, Alberto from Granada – thank you.

On next week’s episode: Modal Verbs in the Past

The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash








2 comments on “How to Change the Subject in English – AIRC218

  1. Alberto Rolando says:

    Thanks a lot, I really appreciated the podcast, your compliments, your suggestions, and your wide comments to my email. Just a little clarification, maybe it could be important for someone who is going to plan a trip in Italy: in Milan there is not a particular problem with mosquitoes, I mean, not different from many other places. There is not a swampy area near Milan. Maybe you refer to the area where the river Po, the longest in Italy, flows into the Adriatic sea; this area (the italian Everglades…) is about 50 km from Ferrara, but more than 300 km from Milan. Anyway this area is very nice and interesting also from a naturalisc point of view, the most famous place is Comacchio (, a little town, there is a very important Regional Park, and you can taste the famous eel; I suggest to visit during spring, not in summer, remember mosquitoes……bye bye and….at the next podcast!! Alberto

    1. Craig says:

      Thanks for the clarification, Alberto. No particular problem with mosquitos in Milan. Got it! I really hope I can arrange a trip to Italy soon!

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