How do you like your coffee? How do you order your favourite coffee in English?
We’re taking a look inside cafe and barista culture in this episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Marcos from Argentina – He’s having trouble with Speakpipe on Samsung phone. SpeakPipe works with the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on Android devices. iOS devices don’t support recording audio in a browser, so you need the SpeakPipe iOS app in order to record voice messages.
We’d like to pay separately, please.
Could we have separate bills/checks?
Comment on website from Jose Andres Amaya from Bogota Colombia
What’s the meaning of epitomize and what’s the correct pronunciation?
It means ‘to be a perfect example of’
The questions we get from our listeners epitomize the problems that Spanish speakers have when learning English.
Reza epitomizes quality teaching.
Craig is the epitome (NB. pronunciation of “e” in the noun) of an English gentleman.
Dear Craig and Reza.
Hello lovely Guys, I really like your podcast, it’s pushing me to speak English, I’m feeling a little bit more confident with my spoken English now, I’ve applied for a job one week ago (I applied) in a Cafe Shop in London.
I grow (grew) up in Ecuador and lived around 13 years in Valencia, that’s fantastic to hear you both because you are there now.
Guys, please give me hand I am struggling with coffee shop vocabulary.There are a lot of names that I have to learn; the customers speak very fast and sometimes too quietly, I need this vocabulary.
It’s about different kinds of coffee like Macchiato, coffee Maya, Chai steamer, Froffee, etc.
The pastry is another one like Pain aux Raisins, Apple Crumble Muffins, Almond Croissants, Pain Au Chocolat, etc. Cold drinks, shakes, cold fridge, etc.
I’ll really appreciate it if you can help me with it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
kind regards,
Coffee and Beverages
Solo – A single shot of espresso.
Doppio – A double shot of espresso
Espresso Macchiato – Espresso with a minimal amount (macchiato means ‘mark’ or ‘stain’) of steamed milk on top.
Espresso Ristretto – Means “restricted” espresso. Made with less water. Produces a thicker espresso with more flavour.
Espresso Lungo – Made with more water for a slightly larger espresso.
Froth or Foam – Milk which has been made thick and foamy with hot steam.
Latte – Prepared by pouring milk into the espresso.
Cappuccino – A shot, or two, of espresso poured into a cup which is then filled with half steamed milk and half foam milk so that it is one third coffee, one third milk and one third milk foam.
Flat White – like a cappuccino, but with a similar amount of foam to a latte. (The closest equivalent you’ll find to a café con leche in Spain)
Americano – A shot or two of espresso that has been poured into a cup, which is then filled with hot water. (Not what Americans traditionally drink)
Drip/Filter coffee – what Americans drink. uses a coffee filter and hot water passes through the filter with the coffee.
French Press – A device for making coffee in which hot water mixes with ground coffee. The coffee grounds are then removed from the coffee by a filter plunger which presses the grounds to the bottom of the pot.
(Also called a plunger pot, or cafetiere).
Mocha – chocolate, espresso, steamed or frothed milk and whipped cream on top (name originates from the mocha coffee beans named after the port of Mocha in Yemen)
Frappe – a beverage made with ice and, usually, containing coffee.
Chai – A spiced Indian tea often made with ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, sugar, milk and tea.
A Chai Steamer is chai made with steamed milk foam.
Decaf – decaffeinated coffee or tea
Herbal tea – infusion made with leaves and hot water, naturally free of caffeine
Fausto asked about ‘coffee Maya’. It seems to be a type of coffee produced by the Ruta Maya Coffee Company based in Austin, Texas. http://rutamaya.net/
Froffee appears to be Israeli frozen (iced) coffee.
Barista Guide
Cakes and pastries
Pain aux Raisins – is a spiral pastry often eaten for breakfast in France. It’s sometimes called escargot (snail)
Apple Crumble Muffins – muffin is a small cake (magdalena) with pieces of apple
Almond Croissants (almendra)
Pain Au Chocolat – simply the best
Danish (pastry) – a multi-layered sweet pastry
Bun (magdalena) – traditional British cupcake, but smaller than the American version. In USA “bun” is a type of bread (bollo)
Traybake – a sweet dish baked on a large (rectangular) tray then cut into individual pieces for serving
caramel square
Are you being served?
May I help you?
What can I get you Sir/Madam
Have a nice day!
How do you order your coffee?
Espresso with hot milk on the side
Weak/strong coffee?
Tea with milk?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. How do you like your coffee? Are you a coffee person or a tea person? What’s your favourite snack with your mid-morning or mid-afternoon beverage?
This is episode 193. We are getting close to episode 200! ‘Ask us anything’.
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Thank you to all our wonderful Patrons who are supporting the podcast:
Beatriz Sánchez
Pedro Martinez
Maite Palacín Perez
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Néstor García Mañes http://nestorgm.com/ Luces Extrañas
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Carlos Garrido
Juan Leyva Galera
Corey Fineran http://www.ivyenvy.com/
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Jose Luis Arregui
Agus Paolucci
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Ganbatte Blog
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Bruno (our gold sponsor) from https://www.copenhagenwalkingtour.com/
Many of you ask for full transcriptions of the podcast. Thank you to Patricia Alonso who has been working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 131 to 142, and episodes 1 to 14.
If you want more that that, join our Patreon program for $1 per month and you get instant access to recent transcriptions that have been lovingly translated by Angélica Bello from Madrid. https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
On next week’s episode: The Nine Parts of English Speech
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Cyril Saulnier on Unsplash