We’re speaking about meat today. Everything from pork chops and meatballs to salami and chorizo! Join us to learn all about butcher’s vocabulary on this episode of Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Gabriel from Mexico.
‘Have got’ and ‘got’
I have an idea (US)
I’ve got an idea (UK)
Have you ever gotten drunk? (US)
Have you ever got drunk? (UK)
Email question from Manuel Tarrega Vallejo
Hi Reza,
My name is Manuel and recently I started to listen to your podcast, it helps me a lot (vocabulary, pronunciation, but specially (especially!) phrasal verbs) having said that the first question arises, what’s the difference between ‘specially’ and ‘especially’.
The second question, of which I couldn’t find a suitable answer, it trouble(d) my mind when I was doing a multi-choice cloze:
The room to …….. looked out over the back garden.
I picked RENT. however the answer says that it should be LET.
Thank you for your time. Looking forward to hearing your explanation.
‘Specially’ and ‘especially’ are entirely different in meaning and not interchangeable.
Specially = with special effort. eg. I baked this cake specially with the finest ingredients.
Especially = in particular/particularly. Eg. I love all meat, especially bacon.
I don’t want to be treated specially. = I don’t want special treatment – I want normal treatment.
XI don’t want to be treated especially.X
I don’t want to be treated,(COMMA) especially. (informal) = I don’t especially want to be treated. = I don’t particularly want to be treated. = I’m not very interested in/keen on being treated.
Let and rent basically mean the same thing, but the landlord (dueño, propietario) LETS a flat to a tenant and the tenant RENTS the property from the landlord.
Also ‘to hire’ – pay to use something on a temporary basis and to employ someone.
Voice message from AIRCoholic Josep from Barcelona.
We didn’t speak about transgender and gender identity
Book recommendation: Paralian: Not Just Transgender by Liam Klenk
Recommended TV series on Netflix and Movistar+
Transparent: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3502262/
Bibi from La Coruña asked us to talk about supermarket (episode 185) and butcher vocabulary because she’s working in a supermarket.
She says, ‘I work as a butcher (charcutera) but it’s the same name for both jobs (carnicera y charcutera), isn’t it?’
Charcutera/o could be translated as a ‘pork butcher’, but they also might sell non-pork products, such cured beef (cecina) or cheese.
In English-speaking countries the closest equivalent of ‘charcutería’ is a ‘cold meats counter’ in a supermarket or maybe ‘delicatessen / deli counter’, though that isn’t exactly the same.
So a ‘charcutero/a’ like Bibi, would probably be called a ‘cold meats counter assistant’!
(note: we will be speaking about vegetarianism and veganism in a future episode)
Verb or noun: to butcher, a butcher – pronunciation: took, look, put, foot
Other meanings of ‘butcher.
Matar con violencia ‘Man Butchered outside Nightclub’
Hacer una chapuza (hacer un mugrero in Mexico) – Stop singing! You’re butchering my favourite song!
Slang – To have a butcher’s (have a look)
To slaughter an animal for food
Pig – pork, bacon (English vs American bacon – which do you prefer?)
Cow – beef (carne de vaca, carne de res)
Veal – ternera
Sheep – lamb (young)/ mutton (older)
Chicken – chicken! – chicken legs, breast, thighs, wings
Cuts of meat: rib, sirloin, tenderloin, brisket, shank etc: https://delishably.com/meat-dishes/Cuts-of-Beef
Minced beef (UK) = Ground beef (USA)
Chorizo – Spanish sausage
Jamie Oliver’s Sausage Offended Spain:
Black pudding/blood sausage
Hamburger/Burger – so called because it was invented in Hamburg, Germany, not USA.
Pink Panther – ” I Would like to buy a Hamburger”:
Meatballs – albóndigas
Ham (we don’t say XYork hamX, but rather the less appealing term “processed ham”!)
Cured ham eg. Serrano/Spanish ham
Chops – chuletas
Liver – hígado
Kidney – riñon
Tripe – tripa
Offal – vísceras/casquería
Lard – manteca
Halal (adj.) – meat prepared according to strict Islamic traditions
Kosher (adj.) – meat prepared according to strict Jewish traditions
One man’s meat is another man’s poison – what one person likes, maybe another doesn’t.
The meat and potatoes – basic, fundamental
Mutton dressed as lamb – an older person dressing in younger clothes to look younger (derogatory)
Dead meat – used as a threat of future trouble. Eg. “If you don’t do what dad says, you’re dead meat!” Pete said to his brother.
Meat market – a bar, club, etc. where people often go “on the pull” (para ligar)
Craig’s meat joke (at stake=at risk – gambling idiom – you could lose a large amount of money)
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
Send us a voice message and tell us what you think. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
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Castle Tours (Hamlet or Frederiksborg) and Walking Tours of Copenhagen both in English or Spanish! (Tivoli Gardens, Amalienborg Palace, The oldest shopping street in the world and much more)
Also, Favela walking tour in Rio: http://www.favelawalkingtour.com.br/
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Pedro Martinez
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Néstor García Mañes http://nestorgm.com/ Luces Extrañas
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Corey Fineran http://www.ivyenvy.com/
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Ganbatte Blog
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Many thanks to Patricia Alonso who has been working hard to transcribe episodes for you. We now have available episodes 131 to 142, and episodes 1 to 11.
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On next week’s episode: At the Chemist’s, Pharmacy or Drugstore
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Wow!! This especially/specially subject is rather confusing, to say the least…
I never paid attention to that difference, but I had a look at chapter 194 in “Practical English Usage” (oxford…michael swan), and I got even more confused…
Thank you for publishing the link to my friend’s book “Paralian”. I sent him the link to your podcast.
My wife is getting AIRCoholic too… 😉
Thanks for spreading the word about the podcast, Josep. ESPECIALLY to your wife 🙂
Awesome !!
Hello I love your Potcast, Thanks for chear with us.
Thank you for listening, Rocio 🙂