‘Would’ can mean soler. ‘Used to’ can mean soler also. So, how do you know when to use ‘would’ and when to use ‘used to’ when you speak about the past?
We’re going to tell you in this week’s episode of……..Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig.
Voice message from Miguel about when to use would and used to.
Past episodes: ‘used to’, ‘be used to’ and ‘get used to’ in episode 6 – 31st Jan, 2014!
‘Could’ and ‘would’ episode 71
Pronunciation of ‘would’ in episode 36
We use used to and would for past habits. Things that we don’t do now or that are not true now.
I used to live in London.
I used to work in an office and I would get the bus to work every day.
What did you use to do in Belfast that you don’t do now?
We can use ‘used to’ and ‘would’ to talk about repeated past actions:
When I was growing up in London I used to/would go to the park with my best friend and play football.
We’d cycle to the local park and we used to meet up with other kids to play for a couple of hours before lunch.
I used to want to stay longer, but Graham would always make sure that we were home in time for lunch.
We can use ‘would’ to talk about repeated past actions.
However, only ‘used to’ is possible when we talk about PAST STATES.
I used to live in London (XI would live in London.X)
I used to have a beard. (XI would have a beard.X)
We can use the past simple in the same way as ‘used to’ and ‘would’ to talk about repeated past actions.
Thanks to Lenuto69 from Spain for his (or her!) itunes review and 5 stars! Don’t forget to subscribe on itunes even if you listen on the website or on our mobile app.
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…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a question for us or an idea for a future episode?
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Mamen’s video:
Email from Isabel Soley Bech
Dear Craig and Reza,
This is just to thank you for your generosity in having this free podcast.
I am listening you (I’ve been listening to you) for at least one year and I enjoy and appreciate your advice very much .
I travel a lot for business and you are with me in planes, boats and trains.
I am a strong supporter of your programme and I recommended your podcasts to all my friends and acquaintances.
Please keep doing it!
PS: Please detail me (Please give me details about) how I can sponsor you.
If you would like more detailed shownotes, go to https://www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
Our lovely sponsors are:
Lara Arlem
Carlos Garrido
Zara Heath Picazo
Juan Leyva Galera
Sara Jarabo
Corey Fineran from Ivy Envy Podcast
Manuel García Betegón
Jorge Jiménez
Raul Lopez
Manuel Tarazona
Mariel Riedemann
Maite Palacín Pérez
Pedro Martinez
Ana Cherta
Maria Gervatti
Nikolay Dimitrov
We want to thank Arminda from Madrid for continuing to transcribe full transcriptions.
There are now full transcriptions for episodes 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139 and 140.
On next week’s episode: A History of Britain in 20 Minutes
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hi! Excellent work! And What a cute video. Thanks Mamen to share with us your own space. Amazing views, anyway.