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In this episode: Nature and the Environment
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Our patreons are:
Juan Leyva Galera
Daniel Contreras Aladro
Lara Arlem
Armando Agudelo
sara Jarabo
Manuel Tarazoma
Ivy Envy – Corey Fineran
Thank you to all of our wonderful patreon supporters.
Listener Feedback: Jose’s Vampire story.
We asked you to send us a story practising the narrative tenses, especially the past perfect simple and continuous from episode 91 with Mike.
Here’s Jose’s wonderful vampire story.
forest / wood – bosque
lake – lago
lagoon – laguna
wildlife – vida salvaje, fauna
lough (Ireland) / loch (Scotland) = lake
river – rio
to flow – fluir
stream – riachuelo
hill – colina – hilly (adjective)
mountain – montaña / mountainous – montañoso/a
gorge – garganza
valley – valle
landscape – panorama , paisaje
scenery – paisaje, vista
view – vista
wild, wildlife
farm, farming, farmer – granjero
crops – cultivo
fields – campos
harvest – cosecha
to irrigate – irrigar
to live off the land – vivir de la tierra
to plant/sow – sembrar
seeds – semillas
to plough – arar
country bumpkin – paleto, (campesino)
city slicker – urbanita
city V country dweller
to dwell – vivir
to go trekking
the countryside, the country – el campo
rural areas – zonas rurales
pollution – contaminación
recycling – reciclaje / recyclable – reciclable
to be/go green
eco-friendly = environmentally friendly = green
pest – peste, pesado/a
pesticides, insecticides
produce – productos agrícolas
organic farming/food/production/produce
nature conservation
protected area, nature reserve
GM farming/food/produce
bland – soso
“the birds and the bees”
pollinate – pollination
“Let nature take its course”
Mother Nature

Improve your speaking with an italki teacher
Discussion questions:
Should we worry so much about environmental protection at the cost of not exploiting useful natural resources?
How in tune with nature are you?
How important is sustainable farming to you?
What do you think about GM?
Albert Einstein is famously supposed to have claimed that if bees disappeared off the face of the earth, the human race would consequently also disappear within 4 years.
Reza believes bees are more important than humans for the survival of Earth. (He isn’t joking.) Do you agree/disagree?
Reza believes humans are the only creatures that commit senseless acts which destroy nature and our environment. We are our own worst enemy. What do you think?
For our 100th episode please send us your ‘wins’. How has English helped you. “Because of my English………….”. Send us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected].
On next week’s episode: Veterinary Vocabulary and expressions with pets
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Hi Jose, Reza and Craig
Now I’m really pleased I didn’t go to my niece’s wedding! She and her fiance got married in Alicante, a few years ago!
Lovely wedding … dancing, eating, drinking and celebrating whole week time… But I’m sure that if I had traveled there the vampire would have surprised me … and … who knows 😉
Thanks again, useful words, entertaining
Who would have thought it? Alicante – vampire capital of the world. Doesn’t look very good on the tourist brochures!
Yes indeed! A “bloody” good story from José!
Thanks a lot for this podcast!! It was really interesting!!!
Thanks for listening, Lau.