I’m Craig. This is Reza. If you are a new listener, If this is your first time here, welcome!
We are going to help you improve your English, grow your grammar, vocalize your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation!
In this episode: Adverbs of frequency and strong collocations
Listener Feedback:
Hello my friends, I am from Argentina and, of course, you are my friends because you travel in my car every day when I go to my work, 15 minutes each time (each way / there and back)), 4 times a day.
I really like you and I enjoy your podcasts. I listen (TO) them again and again.
I have got them in my mp3 player and I laugh with your laughings (with your laughter/I laugh when you laugh/I laugh aloud with you).
I am trying to listen and listen because it is very difficult for me to understand conversations, I read English good enough (quite well/well enough) and my interest is for traveling to other countries.
Please correct this and I send a big hug to both of you.
A question from Pau (the question king!)
You look very much happier today, David! (is it correct?), I am telling you that (asking you this) because I have found that it is possible to use “very much” with the comparative,
but I don’t see the particle “than” anywhere, so I’m a bit confused…
Audio Feedback: Mamen our second Patreon sponsor of Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig. Go to: Patreon.com/inglespodcast (First sponsor Corey fron Ivy Envy POdcast about the Chicago Cubs baseball team – ivyenvy.com – Corey Fineran on YouTube for videos which will help you get a job)
Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency
siempre – always
casi siempre – almost always
normalmente – usually, normally
a menudo – often
a veces – sometimes
raramente – rarely
casi nunca – hardly ever
nunca – never
We usually put adverbs of frequency BEFORE the main verb (antes del verbo principal): “I usually get up at 8.” – Usualmente me levanto a las 8.
This is also true if there is an auxiliary verb: “I have often thought of emigrating.” – He pensado muchas veces en emigrar.
But, we put adverbs of frequency AFTER the verb TO BE: (después del verbo “to be”): “Reza is never late” – Reza nunca llega tarde. (Reza is occasionally late – occasionally = ocasionalmente)
Sometimes, adverbs of frequency can be put at the beginning or at the end (en posición final o inicial): “Normally, I get up at 8.” – “I get up at 8, normally.”
Expressions of frequency:
una vez a la semana – once a week
dos veces al día – twice a day
tres o cuatro veces al mes – three or four times a month
todos los viernes – every Friday
cada dos horas – every two hours
todos los días – every day
How often do you…..
…go back to Belfast? – 3 or 4 times a year
How often do you visit your family in Moraira? – about twice a month / every 2 weeks
….have a fried English breakfast? – I hardly ever have on these days
…drink Guinness? – I often drink Guinness when I’m in Ireland, but I almost never drink Guinness when I’m in Spain
…speak Valencian? – rarely, 3 times a year
…watch football – very rarely
…go to bed before 11pm – not often, about once a week
…wear socks with sandles – now, never!
…swear (decir palabrotas, soltar tacos) – once or twice a day
….record a podcast – about once a fortnight, once overy 2 or 3 weeks
….get your haircut – about once every 2 or 3 months
Vocabulary: Strong collocations
Sometimes in English you might come across two words joined together with “and”.
The order of these words is a very strong collocation and it’s usually fixed. For example,
fish and chips (no se dice Xchips and fishX).
Here are some more examples:
neat and tidy
pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages)
gin and tonic
rock and roll
trial and error
peace and quiet
toast and marmalade
stocks and shares
black and white
thunder and lightening
Ladies and gentlemen
boys and girls
life and death
right and wrong
black and blue
thick and thin
in sickness and in health
for better and for worse
Craig and Reza’s Weekly wind-ups (to wind up = annoy, irritate, bother: fastidiar, disgustar, molestar)
Reza: People who ask a question and then don’t listen to what you say.
Craig: The number of messages, alerts or “things you have to deal with” on apps – Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, always that small number, in a circle, on your phone (more than your PC) it signifies “there’s something I haven’t done.”
Send us an email, or record your voice and send us a sound file, with a comment, question or weekly wind-up to craig@smeewero.elementor.cloud or belfastreza@gmail.com.
Sign up to our email list at inglespodcast.com because we’ll send you an email ever month with all the podcasts we’ve made and published.
Visit our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/inglespodcast
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
What a pleasure on Sunday evening to listen to you chatting and teaching!
Those ‘strong collocations’ made me thinking.. is it Craig and Reza or Reza and Craig.. hmm, but probably it’s equivalent to gin and tonic
You’re joking Elisa, but I did think before I named the podcast “Aprender Ingles con Reza y Craig”. Reza’s name coming first shows respect to him. It’s the same with couples. Put the lady first, “June and David”, Sally and John” etc. I wonder what Shakespeare was thinking with “Romeo and Juliet”?
Absolutely a good question, but of course already hundreds of years ago Shakespeare knew that there is always a man in the beginning of the tragedy

Hello, Reza and Craig, I’m making very good progress, because you are, both very good teachers and you have both a very good sense of humour….an appreciation….thunder and lightening as you say in this podcast, it has a aquivalent in Spanish, “Rayos y truenos” but in te ordinary language is hard to hear, but in the comics when I was a little boy (the badman always shouted)….About the verb TO SWEAR…(decir tacos) this verb means JURAR also, I suppose it is not difficult to distinguish one meaning than the other….Before the judge I suppose nobody would say I SWEAR (voy a decir tacos) ja ja
thank you for all, goodbye
Hi Rafael. I’m pleased we’re helping you to make progress and thank you for your comments.
I forgot to mention the meaning of ‘swear’ as JURAR. “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” Like witnesses say in court when there is a trial.
According to the Chicago Manual of Style, which while I do not like everything in it, is the ertoids bible in this country, when you write a paragraph, or a paper that could refer to both he and she the correct way to account for this is to use the form he/she once. Through the rest of the paper, you use the term he, because he is the most acceptable form to use.
I also use the Chicago Manual of Style as a reference for American usage. I can’t say I agree with the fact that ‘he’ is the most acceptable form to use. I think we should all start using ‘she’ to try and balance things up a bit, gender-wise.