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You can find more podcasts at inglespodcast.com and study English free at mansioningles.com.
In this episode: Grammar: Clauses (oraciones) and Phrases (frases) – Pronunciation: good / wood / would – Vocabulary: The car
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Listener Feedback:
Luca suggests we speak less Spanish. We agree. We think you have a good point.
Hello Reza and Craig, I´m glad to greet you (get in touch with you). I´ve listened to you for a couple months and I´ve enjoyed all your podcasts. They have been so useful for me and I hope you keep doing this great
labor (work) for (a) long time….thanks you (thank you / thanks) and congratulations…..by the way, is really good the idea of to get the posibility to download podcast in our devices (The idea of having the possibility
of downloading podcasts to our devices is very good).
I will be expectant (waiting) for that, so I will can (be able to listen to you) hear you in my car while I drive.
Regards, Walter
Grammar: English clauses
All clauses in English have at least two parts: a noun phrase and a verb phrase:
THE GIRL – Noun phrase (subject) SMILED – Verb phrase
ALL OF MY FRIENDS – Noun phrase (subject) WERE WATCHING – Verb phrase
But most clauses have more than two parts:
Noun phrase (subject) Verb phrase
The first noun phrase is the subject of the sentence:
The girl smiled
Craig wanted a cup of tea
He put the beer in the fridge.
There are exceptions to the SUBJECT – VERB – OBJECT order:
“Poor though I am, I’m very happy.”
Clauses in English always have a subject:
“Pepito has got a new job.” – Xis a graphic designerX – “HE is a graphic designer.”
“I am (I’m) a teacher.” – Soy profesor.
He’s waiting for his girlfriend. XIs lateX – SHE is late.
The imperative is an exception (which is used to give orders). There is no subject:
Come here!
If we have no other subject we use “there” or “it” as subject:
There were loads of people at the party.
There won’t be much traffic at 6am.
It’s just gone half past eleven.
It’s a beautiful day.
It really bothers me!
Son las dos y media – It’s half past two.
good / wood or would (and could)
Adam’s apple = la nuez (de Adán)
Vocabulary: The car
windscreen (UK) / windshield (US) – windscreen wipers – limpiaparabrisas
brake – freno
handbrake – freno de mano
steering wheel – volante
clutch – embrague (to put your foot on the clutch / to take your foot off the clutch)
accelerator – acelerador (hit the gas – US)
petrol (UK) gas (US) – gasolina
bonnet / hood (US) – boot / trunk (US)
seatbelt – cinturón de seguridad – to fasten/put on your seatbelt
tyre – rueda – puncture (pinchazo, ponchadura (MEX) – to get a punture
jack – gato – to jack up the car
headlights – faros
hooter (UK) / horn (US) – claxon – to hoot someone – he hooted me. – he blew his horn.
to indicate – to put on your indicators (intermitentes)
Send us an email, or a sound file with a comment or question to craig@smeewero.elementor.cloud or belfastreza@gmail.com.
Pleae answer theses two questions:
1) ‘How did you find our show?’
2) ‘What would you like us to talk about on the show?’
You can find more podcasts at inglespodcast.com and study English free at mansioningles.com.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called See You Later – licensed by creative commons under a by-nc license at ccmixter.org.
Hello Craig and Reza!
First of all, I’d like to thank you for your fantastic podcasts.
My name is Roberto, I’m from Paraguay (How much do you know about Paraguay?) but I’m currently living in the Basque Country.
I have to say that I’m a big fan of you two. I found “inglés podcast” listening to a monthly podcast of “mansión inglés”.
As I am an Economist, I’d like to ask you to talk about economics expressions, words, idioms, and so on.
Warm regards
PD: Please correct my mistakes and if it`s possible read my comment. Thanks
Hi Roberto,
Thanks for your email. We will talk about economics in a future podcast, but it won’t be before the New Year.
I can’t find any mistakes in your message. It’s perfect!
Your explanations are excellent to understand Grammar. There are some differences with Spanish Grammar. but basically, both of them have the same contents. The best of learning English Grammar is that it helps you learn and reinforce yours as well, so it´s very practical.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Marian. Reza and I are recording more episodes tomorrow which will be for December and the New Year. Thanks for your support.
It´s a pleasure. I listen to your podcasts when I go to the shool in the morning. Your voices and the autumn scenery in the countryside involve me. It´s fantastic!
Thanks Marian. It makes it all worthwhile when we get messages from listeners like you.
I can´t listen your podcast, they are stopped in the middle, should I join to any website or something for enjoying them_¿
Hi Mariluz. It’s unusual that the podcasts stop in the middle when you try to listen. Perhaps there is a problem with your audio player. Does this happen with other podcasts or only with ours? On our FAQs page there is information about how to listen in different ways. I hope this helps: https://inglespodcast.com/faqs/