gerunds infinitives

Perfect gerunds and infinitives – AIRC555

In our previous two podcasts, we’ve explored how gerunds and infinitives are used when one verb follows another verb in English and also when this sometimes leads to a change in meaning.In today’s podcast, you’ll learn some more advanced uses of gerunds and infinitives so that you can really take your English to the next…

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Perfect gerunds and infinitives - AIRC555

More gerunds and infinitives, good / well, Relationships vocabulary, ‘to look after’, IELTS – AIRC15

[app_audio src=”″] Por favor mándanos tus preguntas sobre el inglés y tus comentarios sobre los podcasts usando el formulario de contacto en la página web What’s the difference between GOOD and WELL? (Mara from Valencia) He’s a good footballer (adjective) There are meny goods produced in Valencia (noun) Would you like some more coffee? – No thank…

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More gerunds and infinitives, good / well, Relationships vocabulary, 'to look after', IELTS - AIRC15

Gerunds / infinitives, film vocabulary, pronunciation: /dj/, ‘to take off’ – AIRC14

[app_audio src=”″] Reza and Craig are back into the routine of teaching after the Christmas break. A question from Silvio: After verbs like love, start, stop…the following verbs have to go with a gerund, I think. However,I have read : “It started to rain.” Why not: “It starting raining.”? Gramática: Gerunds and infinitives “It started…

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Gerunds / infinitives, film vocabulary, pronunciation: /dj/, 'to take off' – AIRC14