
8 different ways to pronounce ‘OUGH’ – AIRC394

How do you pronounce OUGH? You may be surprised to know that you can pronounce these letters EIGHT different ways. Listen to this podcast and learn how crazy English really is! Voice message from Luis from Mexico City I’ve been listening to your podcast – I’ve listened (TO) all your shows I find them very…

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8 different ways to pronounce ‘OUGH’ - AIRC394

Although / even though / despite / in spite of, work vocabulary, idioms – AIRC32

[app_audio src=”″] In this episode: Gramática: Although, even though, despite, in spite of, Vocabulary: Work vocabulary, some more idioms and your questions. Feedback: Email from Juan Carlos de Malaga: Porque en la frase- “estos son vuestros vaqueros” no se traduce como – “Are these your jeans?”. En un ejercicio en La Mansion del Ingles (…

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Although / even though / despite / in spite of, work vocabulary, idioms - AIRC32