We were concerned that we may not have a topic for this week. But Carmen sent us a great idea and by the skin of our teeth we were able to produce a podcast on skin. Welcome to a podcast that we hope won’t get under your skin!
Many thanks to Carmen for suggesting this week’s topic.
Skin and Skincare
Useful vocabulary for skin
white (Caucasian), black skin, brown skin
oily, dry, flaky skin
pale, dark, tanned (Mediterranean?) complexion
spots – spotty (adj.) , pimples – pimply/pimpled, acne
to break out in spots
to break out in/to develop a rash – a red mark that can be caused by many factors
wrinkles – wrinkly/wrinkled – lines in the skin associated with old age or dryness
freckles – freckly/freckled – very small dark marks, more common on people with pale skin and ginger hair
pores – they can become clogged
blackhead – a tiny dark spot of undesired material filling a pore
warts – warty: small, rough skin growths often appearing on the hands, feet, or other areas.
varicose veins: enlarged, swollen veins that appear under the skin, usually in the legs, due to poor blood circulation.
scars – scarred: marks left on the skin after a wound has healed.
scabs – scabby: dry, rough protective crusts that form over a healing wound or sore.
birthmark: a colored mark on the skin present from birth, often brown, red, or purple.
dermatologist – a doctor who specializes in skin health
Some common skin disorders/diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, athlete’s foot, albinism – albino
Taking care of your skin
lotion, cream, ointment, oil, lubricant
moisturizer – moisturizing cream
facial cleansers
body lotion
sunscreen, suntan lotion, sunblock
anti-aging cream
exfoliating cream – used to remove dead skin
facial toner: a liquid skincare product used after cleansing to remove excess dirt, tighten pores, and balance the skin’s ph
petroleum jelly – better known by its most famous brand name “Vaseline”
topical cream – applied to (a) specific area(s) of the skin for medicinal/medical reasons. e.g. topical steroids, antihistamine cream
By the skin of your teeth – Narrowly avoiding disaster or barely managing to achieve something.
Thick-skinned – Not easily hurt or offended by criticism or negative comments.
Thin-skinned – Easily offended or sensitive to criticism.
Skin in the game – Having a personal investment or stake in an endeavor.
No skin off my nose – Not affecting or concerning me in any way.
Get under someone’s skin – To irritate or annoy someone.
Jump out of your skin – To be extremely startled or surprised.
Beauty is only skin deep – Outer appearances are not as important as inner qualities.
Skin and bones – Extremely thin or emaciated.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Pablo Albert
Ana Ibarra has increased her support to 5 euros
In next week’s episode: The Five Senses
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’