In this podcast, you’ll learn vocabulary that is used in formal legal documents. We’ll help you understand what lawyers have written in contracts, wills, formal agreements and other legal documents.
Voice message from Adrián from Barcelona
It’s high time I sent you a message
before hitting the sack
Basic Legal English: https://inglespodcast.com/231
Written Legal English, or “Legalese”
Aforementioned – mentioned before
“The aforementioned parties agree to undertake full responsibility for all liabilities listed below.”
Herein – In this document or statement.
“The conditions stated herein must be adhered to by all parties.”
Hereinafter – In the following part of this document.
“The company, hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor,” agrees to the terms.”
Hereby – By this means; as a result of this.
“The undersigned hereby agrees to the terms and conditions.”
Herewith – With this letter or document.
“Please find the signed agreement attached herewith.”
Heretofore/Hitherto – Before now; up until this point.
“The company has heretofore/hitherto complied with all regulations.”
Hereafter – From now on; in the future.
“The obligations hereafter shall be governed by this contract.”
Hereof – Of this (document or matter).
“This clause is part hereof and binding on all parties.”
Therein – In that place, document, or respect.
“The contract includes a confidentiality clause, and any breach of the terms therein may result in legal action.”
Thereof – Of the thing just mentioned.
“The owner of the property and the liabilities thereof.”
Thereunto – To that place or position.
“He was appointed to the position and took an oath thereunto.”
Thereafter – After that.
“The tenant moved out, and the landlord thereafter made repairs.”
Therewith – With that.
“The document and the evidence presented therewith are sufficient.”
Whereupon/Whereafter – Immediately after which, as a result of which, Immediately after something happens.
“He signed the contract, whereupon the deal was finalized.”
“The manager approved the proposal, whereupon/whereafter the team began implementing the project.” (the team started working immediately after the manager’s approval.)
Wherein – In which.
“The agreement outlines the terms wherein the parties must comply.”
Whereby – By which.
“The contract includes a clause whereby disputes will be resolved through arbitration.”
Wherefore – For which reason.
“Wherefore, the plaintiff seeks damages in the amount of 10,000 euros”
The former…the latter – the first one just mentioned…the second one just mentioned
“Messrs Wealand and Shah are to be held wholly liable for the content of the Aprender Inglés with Reza and Craig podcast, the former being responsible for the production, scripting and recording of said podcast, the latter being responsible merely for the scripting thereof. Both parties claim full responsibility for any and all language acquisition directly acquired, as well as any resultant boredom suffered, as a consequence of prolonged exposure to the aforementioned podcast.”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Genesis Cañizares
In next week’s episode: Festivals Around the World
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’