In this podcast, you’ll learn some differences between the prepositions FOR and TO so that you can use them more effectively in English.
Voice message from Mamen from Badajoz.
How to use ‘for’ and ‘to’
It appears to me….
Can you intercede for me?
We’ve spoken about prepositions before:
Prepositions in, into, inside and within: https://inglespodcast.com/535
Prepositions of time | in, on and at: https://inglespodcast.com/325
The Prepositions Out, Up, Of and Off: https://inglespodcast.com/139
Prepositions and phrasal verbs for a digital world: https://inglespodcast.com/367
Using “to”
Direction: When you’re indicating direction or movement towards something.
Examples: “She went to the supermarket.”
“Who do you usually send Christmas cards to?”
Recipient: When you specify that someone is receiving an action.
Example: “He gave the money to her.”
Point in Time:
Example: “The shop is open from 9 AM to 5 PM.”
Purpose/Goal: When describing the purpose or goal of an action.
Example: “I am writing to ask for your help.”
“We record these podcasts to help you with your English”
Comparison: Sometimes used when comparing two things.
“This looks similar to that.”
“You can’t compare apples to oranges.”
Infinitives: “To” is also used before infinitives
Purpose: “I went to the store to buy milk.”
Commands: “You need to finish your homework.”
After TO BE + adjectives: “It’s important to be honest.”
Some common words that take ‘to’ as a dependent preposition
Accustomed to/Used to – Are you used to your new teaching schedule?
Addicted to – He’s addicted to AIRC.
Allergic to – She’s allergic to peppers.
Committed to – We’re committed to making a quality podcast.
Devoted to – Reza’s devoted to his students.
Engaged to – She’s engaged to her college sweetheart.
Married to – He’s married to a Spaniard.
Exposed to – The workers were exposed to hazardous conditions.
Faithful to – He’s always been faithful to his principles.
Grateful to – We’re grateful to you for your support.
Kind to – She’s very kind to everyone in the office.
Opposed to – Some are opposed to the new policy.
Related to – What is this email related to?
Using “for”
Example: “This gift is for you.”
The duration of time:
Examples: “We’ve known each other for ten years.”
“She cooked lunch for us.”
When explaining the reason or cause of an action.
Example: “Thank you for your help.”
Describing the function or purpose of something.
Example: “A knife is used for cutting.”
Substitution: When someone does something on behalf of another person or instead of them.
Examples: “Can you intercede for me?” (Mamen’s example)
“He filled out the form for her.”
Some common words that take ‘for’ as a dependent preposition
Accountable for – She is accountable for her team’s performance.
Ask for – He asked for help with the project.
pay for – Have you paid for the chocolate?
Care for – I don’t care much for celery.
Forgive for – Can you forgive me for my mistake?
Grateful for – I’m grateful for your assistance.
Hope for – We hope for a positive outcome.
Prepare for – She is preparing for the presentation.
Search/look for – I’m searching for the missing files.
Famous for – This restaurant is famous for its desserts.
Known for – She is known for her innovative ideas.
Responsible for – Reza’s responsible for getting his students a good mark in the exam.
Thankful for – He’s thankful for his supportive friends.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’