Strange and Unusual Laws – AIRC523

Strange and Unusual Laws - AIRC523

Did you know that it’s illegal to fly a kite in Buenos Aires, Argentina? And that it’s forbidden to be shirtless in Barcelona?
Today you’ll learn about some weird and wonderful laws from all over the world. We would hate to see you sent to prison in Sri Lanka for taking a selfie with the Buddha or jailed in Denmark for wearing a mask in public.

Voice message from Zaleth from Colombia
Came across XwithX
The Queen owns all the swans. You can’t kill them.
If you find a whale in the beach, you have to offer it to the Queen or King.
Pronunciation of ‘law’
Looking forward XforX TO

Other strange UK laws

A pet cannot mate with another pet from the royal household.

You cannot walk cows down the street in daylight in England.

You cannot handle a salmon suspiciously (only since 1986!)

It is illegal to be found drunk in a pub or on licensed premises in England and Wales.

You cannot gamble in a library.
Gambling is illegal in any library in the United Kingdom, as it is considered a public place.

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It is illegal for anybody to beat or shake any carpets, rugs or mats in the street, except for doormats, prior to 8 am.

By law, you cannot queue jump at tube stations ticket halls on the London Underground.

It is a criminal offence to watch TV without a licence in the UK and you could be fined up to £1,000 if you are caught.


Let’s play ‘Where in the world?’

We think of 5 strange laws each and we have to guess the country out of three possible choices.

Where in the world…

Craig it illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6pm on Thursdays? (Milan/Florida/Edinburgh) it illegal to walk your dog less than three times a day? (Turin/Marseille/Washington) it illegal to forget your wife’s birthday? (New Zealand/Fiji/Samoa) it illegal to chew gum? (Singapore/Toronto/Osaka) it illegal to drive your car blindfolded (Afganistan/U.S.A/Colombia)
(It’s illegal to drive blindfolded in Alabama. But the law doesn’t stop there; it also says that drivers aren’t allowed to drive a car if they can’t see what’s in front or on the side of it.)

Where in the world….


  1. It’s illegal to chew gum.
  2. You can’t be drunk while in charge of a cow.
  3. You can’t dance in the dark after midnight, but can in a well-lit area.
  4. Urinating in the sea is prohibited
  5. Driving a dirty car is a punishable offence

…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you know of any strange and unusual laws in your country? We’d love to hear them.
Send us a voice message.
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected]

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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’

2 comments on “Strange and Unusual Laws – AIRC523

  1. Jaime fontanals rodriguez says:

    what´s happened with the podcast. I tried to open the 523 and the format has been changed and Idon´t find the way to open. The same with the following. Could you help me?

    1. Craig says:

      Hi Jaime. We are currently working on a new and more modern webpage. We hope to have it finished in a couple of days. Please check again at the weekend or on Monday and let us know if you like the new webpage and if we need to make any changes.

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