In today’s podcast, you’ll learn vocabulary about love and dating so that you can take your English – and your romance – to the next level.
Voice message from Andrés from Colombia
Love and dating vocabulary
To have a crush on someone / to fancy someone
To have an admirer, to be an admirer
To ask someone out
To turn someone down
To date someone, to go on a date with someone
A blind date
To stand someone up
To set/fix someone up with someone
To flirt (with someone) – flirty/flirtatious (adj.)
To pay someone a compliment
A pick-up line, to pick someone up
To chat someone up
He’s handsome, a hunk/hunky,
She’s cute/a cutie, pretty, beautiful
He’s/she’s sexy, hot, good-looking/a good-looker, attractive, gorgeous, dishy/a dish
S/he’s a charmer/charming, seductive, charismatic, enchanting, stylish, glamorous
A girlfriend in American English could be a girl who is a friend. In British English, it implies a romantic connection.
To fall for someone
To be someone’s type
To get off with someone/cop off (with someone)
To go out with someone
To get together
To hit it off
To have chemistry (rapport)
To find your soulmate
Are you seeing someone?
Is there someone (special) in your life?
Are you with someone?
Are you in a relationship?
To go Dutch/to split the bill
To pamper, spoil
To caress
To stroke (someone’s hair/arm/leg…)
To pet – petting – heavy petting
To settle down
To cheat on someone / to two-time someone – a two-timer
To break up / split up (with someone)
To dump someone / to give someone the elbow
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you remember your first date? Was it love at first sight?
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In next week’s episode: How to write better English
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’