In today’s podcast, you’ll learn some vocabulary and expressions connected to polyamory and swinging so that you’ll be able to talk about this topic in English. We’ll also let you know our opinion on this subject and, hopefully, you’ll also tell us yours.
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Polyamory and swingers
This isn’t the first time we’ve spoken about sex. If you’d like to learn some more general vocabulary on this topic listen to How to take your relationship to the next physical level in English with our friend, ex-colleague and English teacher Bea: https://inglespodcast.com/183

Vocabulary and expressions
Polyamory: The practice of engaging in multiple romantic or sexual relationships with the knowledge and consent of all involved.
Polyfidelity: A type of polyamory involving a group of people who are sexually exclusive with each other, but not to anyone outside the group
Polygamy: Having more than one wife (or husband) at one time – legal in over 40 countries. In India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore, the governments recognize polygamous marriages, but only for Muslims. Sweden recognizes polygamous marriages performed abroad.
Swingers: Individuals or couples who engage in consensual partner swapping or group sexual activities.
an open relationship
in/fidelity: being un/faithful to someone
to have an affair
to play the field
to have boundaries in a relationship
jealousy and envy: (jealous/envious) Envy is a desire for something another person has, while jealousy is a feeling tied to fear of losing something, or someone.
Ménage à trois: a romantic relationship involving three people, often an established couple plus another person
Triad/Throuple: A polyamorous relationship involving three people who are all romantically or sexually involved with each other.
Quad: A polyamorous relationship involving four people who may be romantically or sexually connected in various ways.
Threesome/Foursome: sexual intercourse between three/four people
Nesting partner: A partner with whom one shares a home or living arrangements.
Safeword: A prearranged word or signal used in sexual or intimate situations to communicate a need to stop or slow down.
To swing both ways: a colloquial way to say bisexual
An estimated 21 percent of people in the U.S. have engaged in consensual non-monogamy at some point. Does this statistic surprise you?
Do you know anyone who has been involved in a polyamorous relationship?
What could be the advantages and disadvantages of a polyamorous relationship?
How do you think communication differs in polyamorous relationships compared to monogamous ones?
Would you ever consider one?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. We’re nearly at episode 500. What’s been your favourite podcast episode so far?
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In next week’s episode: Expressions that could be considered rude and impolite
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’