In today’s podcast, we have a special guest, Tim, who decided to visit all of the 50 states in the United States of America.
Why does he want to do that and what has he discovered about the US after spending so much time there?

Where’s your accent from?
Watford and the London area.
What motivated you to do this project in the first place?
Tim first started going to conferences in the US and after being in 15 states he took up the challenge of visiting 50 states by the time he reaches 50 years old.
How many states have you visited already?
49 (he was interrupted by the COVID pandemic). He hasn’t been to Hawaii yet.
What about the US territories like Puerto Rico and Guam?
Tim doesn’t count them as US states.
Which states were particularly memorable and why?
California is the biggest state by population and it’s very varied. Alaska is the biggest by area and very beautiful. It’s not a good idea to go in the winter.
Are there any states that are unmemorable?
Delaware. Although Tim only visited Wilmington in Delaware. It’s fantastically forgettable! The architecture is similar to some cities in the North of England.
Were the people of any state hard to understand because of their accents?
The Southern states. In a lot of places, especially in the South, they couldn’t understand Tim’s accent.
Does Louisiana have a particular accent or vocabulary?
Yes, it’s quite distinctive in the places that Tim visited and very similar to Mississippi.
Tim didn’t notice a lot of French influence in New Orleans apart from the architecture.

Contact Craig: [email protected]
What do you like and dislike about American culture?
Tim hates the ‘turn on right’ traffic law at traffic lights.
He also finds the bathroom stalls weird in public toilets. The door is really high with a big gap at the bottom.
Tim likes the diversity. The culture changes from state to state.
There’s something, or some state, for everyone.
How’s the food?
The cheese is terrible!
There’s a high import duty on European cheese. They store cheese in huge caves.
There is good food in the US, but you have to look for it.
Beer is good in some local microbreweries.
Which states do you think would be the friendliest to Spanish speakers?
California, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Albuquerque (although it could be dangerous in places)
The capital of California is Sacramento and the capital of Alaska is Juneau.
At a time when many Americans are leaving the US and emigrating to Europe, could Tim live there permanently?
Maybe he might have years ago, but now there are other places that interest him more; like Mexico, for example.
Get in touch with Tim if you live near Puerto Vallarta in Mexico and meet up him while he’s travelling.
You can find Tim here:
Oh No! Not Another Live Show!
Book Chat Live: https://www.youtube.com/@bookchatlive
Contact Tim by email: [email protected]
Tim on X (previously known as Twitter): @StonehamPress
Tim on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stonehampress/
Tim Lewis TCF: https://www.youtube.com/@timlewistcf/videos
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’