In this podcast, you’ll learn 12 common phrasal verbs in English that were chosen by ChatGPT.
You may be familiar with at least one of the uses of each one. However, phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning and in this episode, and we’ll help you understand and practise them.
My prompt for ChatGPT was, “What are the 12 most used phrasal verbs in the English language?”
ChatGPS’s reply was: The English language has numerous phrasal verbs, but here are 12 commonly used ones:
- take off
- turn on
- look forward to
- put off
- get up
- look up
- bring up
- set up
- give up
- break down
- look after
- carry on

Contact Craig: [email protected]
- Take off: to remove clothes.
Example: “She took off her jacket”
I asked ChatGPT: What are the other meanings of the phrasal verb take off?
It replied:
The phrasal verb “take off” has several other meanings apart from “to remove clothing” and “to leave suddenly.” Here are a few additional meanings:
To become successful or popular rapidly: Example: “Her music career really took off after her hit single was released.”
To imitate or mimic someone or something: Example: “The comedian can take off various celebrities with great accuracy.”
To deduct or subtract: Example: “They will take off the discount from the total bill.”
In aviation, it refers to the act of an aircraft leaving the ground and starting its flight: Example: “The plane took off smoothly from the runway.”
Remember that phrasal verbs can have multiple meanings and contexts, so it’s essential to consider the specific situation in which “take off” is being used to understand its intended sense.
2. Turn on: to start a device or appliance.
For example: “Please turn on the oven”.
Also: to excite sexually.
Example: “Low lights, soft music, having dinner with a beautiful woman really turns me on.”
To cause someone to like, learn about, appreciate something.
Example: “Who turned you on to jazz?”
3. Look forward to: to anticipate or be excited about something in the future.
Example: “I’m looking forward to our next holiday”.
4. Put off: to postpone or delay something.
Example: “They put off the meeting until next week”.
Also: to take someone’s attention away from what they want to be doing or should be doing:
Examples: “Once she’s made up her mind to do something, nothing will put her off.”
“Could you be quiet please – I’m trying to concentrate and you’re putting me off.”
To make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something:
Examples: “The smell of hospitals always puts me off.”
“You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people.”
“His attitude put me right off him.”
5. Get up: to rise or leave the bed.
Example: “I get up early every morning”.
Also: When something becomes stronger.
Examples: “He finally got up the courage to speak in English.”
“The wind’s getting up.”
6. Look up: to search for informa tion in a reference source.
Example: “I need to look up the meaning of this word”.
Also: to improve, get better.
Example: “I hope things will start to look up in the new year.”
“Our financial situation is looking up at last.”
7. Bring up: to raise a topic or to mention something in conversation.
“He brought up an interesting point during the discussion”.
“During the meeting, Sarah brought up the issue of low employee morale.”
To raise a child.
Example: “Her parents brought her up with strong values.”
To vomit or regurgitate food.
Example: “The spoiled food made him bring up his dinner.”
8. Set up: to arrange or establish something (e.g., “They set up a new business”).
Also: To arrange or organize something.
Example: “They set up a meeting to discuss the project.”
To assemble or install something.
Example: “He set up the new computer system in the office.”
To trick or frame someone.
Example: “The detective was set up by his own partner.”
9. Give up: to quit or stop doing something (e.g., “I gave up smoking”).
10. Break down: to stop working or functioning
Example: “The car broke down”.
Also: To analyze or divide into smaller parts for better understanding.
Example: “Let’s break down the problem and identify its root causes.”
Also: To lose control emotionally.
Example: “She couldn’t handle the stress and broke down in tears.”
11. Look after: to take care of or to be responsible for someone or something
Example: “She looks after her younger sister”.
“Could you please look after my plants while I’m on vacation?”
12. Carry on: to continue or proceed with an activity.
Example: “They carried on with their work”.
Also: To behave in a particular way.
Example: “He carried on as if nothing had happened, despite the criticism.”
To continue talking or arguing.
Example: “The couple carried on arguing late into the night.”
“Stop carrying on!”
ChatGPT also said:
“Remember that phrasal verbs can have different meanings in different contexts, so it’s helpful to understand their nuances and usage patterns.”
Source: https://chat.openai.com/
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Do you have a system for learning phrasal verbs that could help other listeners (an app, a revision system, a book)?
Have you used ChatGPT? What have you used it for?
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
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