In this podcast, you’ll learn about manias and compulsions that some people suffer from.
We’ll explain the difference between phobias and manias and tell you about some rather unusual manias that you may not have heard of.
Voice message from Jorge from Rosario, Argentina
Last year, for money (financial) reasons.
Localise (locate/find) my baggage
Fluid – fluent
Annoyed with myself
Because XofX the flight was delayed
Voice message from Reyna from Mexico
manias – bad habit, hang up, fixation, compulsion, obsession
eating strange things; hair, eyes, dust, paper
an ill (illness)
psychological disorder
What’s the difference between phobias and manias?
Check out the episode on Phobias: https://inglespodcast.com/2022/05/15/phobias-airc416/
While a phobia is an abnormal fear of something, a mania refers to an abnormally elevated mood. The term “mania” comes from Greek meaning “madness” or “frenzy”.
Kleptomania: The uncontrollable urge to steal items that are not needed, often resulting in legal consequences.
Pyromania: The compulsion to start fires, often accompanied by a fascination with fire and destruction. Have you ever visited Valencia?!
Gambling disorder/addiction: The inability to resist the urge to gamble, despite the negative consequences it may have on your life.
Onychophagia: The habit of biting your nails or cuticles, often to the point of bleeding or infection.
Nail biting can be a sign of anxiety or stress. The repetitive behavior seems to help some people cope with challenging emotions.
Boredom can lead to behaviors such as nail biting and hair twirling and overeating. Some people just need to keep their hands busy.
Dermatillomania: The obsessive picking at one’s skin, resulting in skin damage and scarring.

Contact Craig: [email protected]
Voice message from Alex from Ukraine who lives in Segovia
It’s a pet peeve of Alex’s when he sees people biting their nails.
to go berserk (pronunciation)
to moan (complain)
Pet peeves https://inglespodcast.com/461
Trichotillomania: The compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair, resulting in noticeable hair loss.
Melomania: An obsession with music.
Ablutomania: An obsession with washing oneself.
Rhinotillexomania: A compulsion to frequently pick one’s nose.
Xenomania: An intense attraction to foreign things.
Opsomania: A compulsive fondness for one specific type of food.
Hoarding disorder: The excessive accumulation of objects or possessions, to the point where it interferes with daily life and causes significant distress.
Nymphomania: Excessive or insatiable sexual desire.
Compulsive buying disorder: The uncontrollable urge to buy unnecessary items, often leading to financial problems and cluttered living spaces.
Internet addiction disorder: The excessive use of the internet or technology, often resulting in negative effects on one’s social life, work, or mental health.
Body dysmorphic disorder: The obsession with perceived flaws or imperfections in one’s appearance, leading to significant distress and impairment in daily life.
Anglomania: An obsession with England or anything English.
Dipsomania: An unusually severe obsession with alcohol.
And last, but not least…
“AIRCoholism”: A (perfectly understandable and justifiable) obsession with the podcast Aprender Inglés con Reza y Craig!
Are you a full-blown AIRCoholic, unable to perform the usual daily activities all normal people do, due to your addiction to AIRC? Or perhaps merely a functioning AIRCoholic, addicted to this podcast but still just about able to get through the day as long as you get your daily or weekly dose?
WARNING! Not only can we not help to cure any of our listeners who are AIRCoholics, we, in fact, actively strive to worsen their condition!
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
Send us a voice message. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected]
This podcast is sponsored, in part, by mansioningles.com. Visit the online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
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Erasmo Melo
Raul Antonio Gomez
Jorge Alberto Borda
Carmen Giménez Acosta
Tomas J. Loto
Joan Carles Grau Bermejo
Teresa Gil De Biedma
Jorge Juan Mañas
Maria Madariaga
In next week’s episode: Intelligence
If you enjoyed this podcast, please tell your friends.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Apologies listeners. There’s a mistake in the shownotes. Between Xonomania and Hoarding Disorder the mania should read “Opsomania”, not “6”!
Spelling correction: Xenomania
It’s now corrected 🙂
Thank you for this interestng inglespodcast. I’m having serious problems with some relatives, and I undestand about that now.
Thank you for your comment, Celinda. I’m pleased we could help.