What are pet peeves? They’re nothing to do with dogs, cats or other domesticated animals. A pet peeve is something that a particular person finds especially annoying.
And we have a whole podcast full of them!
Voice message from Javi from Madrid
Listening TO (well done!)
Accommodation in Dublin
Related episodes: https://inglespodcast.com/452 – Types of Houses
https://inglespodcast.com/438 – Renting a Place to Live
https://inglespodcast.com/303 – Working Abroad
https://inglespodcast.com/291 – Living Abroad
https://inglespodcast.com/300 – Ireland
Dublin is expensive. You could consider the following:
- Sharing accommodation with other people
- Living outside the city and commuting to work (try to find a place near a DART train station)
- Buying a second-hand camper van
Finding accommodation can be very stressful. It can stress you out.
We spoke about dealing with stress in https://inglespodcast.com/339

Contact Craig: [email protected]
Pet Peeves (manía, molestía)
We’re going to speak about some 1st world problems that stress us out.
Expressions you can use to express your annoyance
I can’t stand it
It really bothers/annoys me
It gets on my nerves
It drives me mad / It drives me up the wall
It gets on my goat
It does my head in
It p**ses me off – slightly vulgar
Reza’s pet peeves
Fitting rooms where you try on clothes
Calling internet or mobile phone providers
Public toilets with no soap or way to dry your hands
Pasta served on a cold plate
Motorists who go right past you in the middle of a zebra crossing when you have right of way
Undercooked pizzas
Not enough serviettes (or napkins) for what you’re eating, or them being too flimsy
People jumping the queue (UK), cutting in line (US)
People giving directions when they themselves actually don’t know how to get there
The (utterly meaningless and superfluous) expression “going forward”. (As if it were conceivable to go backwards in time with future plans!!)
Craig’s pet peeves
Dog Owners Not Picking Up After Their Pet
Other people’s expectations (emails, messages, deadlines etc)
Orange juice served after coffee and toast
Being in a lift or a confined space when someone is coughing and sneezing – especially since COVID
Being interrupted or talked over when I’m saying something important
Always being late
Not being able to sleep when I have to get up early
‘Wokeism’ (race, gender and sexuality)
For Listening practice, search ROOM 101 on YouTube.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. What is your number one pet peeve? Send us a voice message and tell us. https://www.speakpipe.com/inglespodcast
Send us an email with a comment or question to [email protected] or [email protected]
This podcast is sponsored, in part, by mansionIngles.com. Visit the online store: https://store.mansioningles.net/
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Jaume Ferrer Muñoz
Luz Viviana Moreno
Maria Madariaga
Pedro Carrillo
Francisco Otero
Arnhild Kessel
In next week’s episode: 8 common colloquial expressions – Part 11
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’