You’ll learn the names of the sounds that some animals make in English and what we call these animals when they are in groups.
Voice message from Andrés from Colombia
You might know that dogs bark, but they also growl and howl. If there’s a group, we call them a pack of dogs.
Cats meaow and purr – a litter of kittens and a clowder of cats.
Lions – roar – a pride of lions
Cows – moo – herd of cows
Elephants – trumpet – a herd of elephants
Goats – bleat – a herd of goats
Horses – neigh – a herd of horses
Sheep – bleat – a flock of sheep
Birds – tweet or chirp – a flock of birds
Bees – buzz – a swarm of bees (or insects)
Mouse – squeak – a nest of mice, or a mischief of mice
Frogs – croak – an army of frogs

Improve your speaking fluency with Craig
Did you know?….
Although we say that dogs bark, when we write the sound they make it’s “woof” or “bow-wow”.
The sound a cockerel or rooster makes is “cock-a-doodle-doo”
We say that a crow crows. And “to crow” also means to boast about something.
Not-so-common, but strange collective nouns
a flamboyance of flamingos
A gaggle of geese
a lounge of lizards
a drove of pigs
a murder of crows
a parliament of owls
a cackle of hyen as
What would you call….
A group of teachers?
A group of politicians? – Is it a shower of bastards?
A group of nurses?
A group of graphic designers?
A group of bankers?
A group of beautiful women?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Rosa Ayllón
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In next week’s episode: A special guest will help you with your pronunciation
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’