Are you ready to go under the knife? You’ll learn vocabulary connected to cosmetic surgery in this podcast episode.
We tried the Tim Tam challenge with a Penguin, a similar chocolate biscuit that is popular in the UK. To see a video of us doing the Tim Tam challenge, go to inglespodcast.com/429

Cosmetic or plastic surgery – plastic/cosmetic surgeon
To go under the knife
Crow’s feet
Facelift / nip and tuck
When things go badly, they go south. When something sags, it goes towards the ground. The adjective is saggy.
Leg veins – laser treatment
Skin graft
Nose job – rhinoplasty

Improve your speaking fluency with Craig
Cellulite treatment
Chemical peeling
Silicone breast implants – breast augmentation/enlargement (boob job) and breast reduction
Penis enlargement surgery
Botox (botulinum toxin) – injected mainly into the face or lips
Plumping – collagen injections
Ear pinning for protruding ears
liposuction for flabby legs, arms, stomach etc. (tummy tuck)
Hair transplant/replacement
Hair removal
Upper arm lift – brachioplasty
Eyelid lift – blepharoplasty
Buttock lift
double chin
Vaginal rejuvenation
According to www.cosmeticsurgerysolicitors.co.uk the top five countries for plastic surgery per capita are:
1. Brazil
2. Argentina
3. Colombia
4. Italy
5. Germany
Would you consider having cosmetic surgery?
Should any plastic surgery be paid for by the national health service?
Should there be a minimum/maximum age for plastic surgery?
Who would you like to look like?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’