In this podcast, we’ll be talking about how we eat different kinds of food. We also discuss the question, how important are table manners?
Reza has been missed by me and the audience during the last few weeks. What has he been doing?
Voice message from Bahel whose wife is pregnant.
Pregnancy and Babies with Special Guest Lynne
Lynne’s website: https://putitlikethis.com/
Thanks to Carla and Aldi for the TimTams and the Chocolate from New Zealand that you brought us at the end of June, and for the idea for this week’s podcast.
Reza and Craig do the TimTam challenge
TimTam Tutorial
The TimTam experience explained by an Astrophysicist:
How do you eat Oreos? Do you have a special technique?
Reza doesn’t like Oreos, but he does eat bourbon creams. He rips off one side and eats the two halves separately.
Craig nibbles around the edge and then eats the middle.
Do you eat pizza, hamburgers and empanadas (pies) with your hands or a knife and fork?
Craig uses a knife and fork.
Reza eats with his hands.
Spaghetti with a fork only or a fork and spoon?
We use a fork and spoon, although Italians tend to only use a fork.
Does Asian food taste better when you use chopsticks?
Reza uses chopsticks, but not for rice.
Should you always eat with your mouth closed?
We think in most cultures it’s rude to eat with an open mouth.
Must you ALWAYS use a serviette/napkin?
To set the table means to put the cutlery, plates bowls etc on the table.
Craig used toilet paper instead of napkins when he didn’t have much money.
Did you get table manners drummed into you as a kid?
Did you have to hold your cutlery correctly?
Craig had to put his knife and fork in the middle of his plate when he’d finished and cross them if he hadn’t.
It’s not good manners to reach across the table to grab something. You ask for it by saying, “Could/Can you pass the ______ ,please?

Improve your speaking fluency with Craig
Should you wait until everyone has been served before you start eating?
Yes, unless someone says, “Start eating before it gets cold”.
Can you have your mobile phone on the table during a meal?
Reza and Craig think it’s bad manners, especially to look at and use your phone during a meal.
Should you put your elbows on the table?
It depends who you’re eating with and what your relationship is with them.
Reza and Craig always wash their hands before eating.
Is it ok to burp? – Not in Western cultures.
Who should do the serving and carve the meat?
Why is it often the man who serves the wine?
How acceptable is dunking things in a liquid? What can be dunked in what?
Craig would not have a problem dunking biscuits in front of the Queen. Reza, on the other hand, would think twice.
Are original bottles and other containers showing the name of the product acceptable on the table, or should they be put into different containers without labels?
Craig’s family kept them in the original containers. Reza’s mum put them in other bottles and bowls.
What’s the correct way to pass a bottle of port? – If you know, please send us a message.
Is the cheese board enjoyed best before or after dessert? Or Spanish style as an appetizer/starter?
If invited to eat at someone’s house, do you need to bring anything with you?
If it’s family or close friends, there isn’t a strong obligation. However, with people you don’t know so well, it’s good manners to take some wine or chocolates.
Is it alright to use your own personal fork to take bits from a plate in the centre shared by all?
This is probably not a good idea, or socially acceptable, especially post COVID.
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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In next week’s episode: When to use ‘you and me’ and ‘you and I’
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’