Ahoy there, friends! Well, shiver me timbers! I can’t believe we haven’t yet spoken about pirates! Come and learn some pirate vocabulary with us in this podcast.
English Expressions from The Sea: https://inglespodcast.com/150

Improve your speaking with Craig
Pirate vocabulary and expressions
To pirate content (music, video)
Aye – yes
Arr! – an exclamation
Ship ahoy!/ Land ahoy!
blimey – God blind me – an expression of surprise or shock
matey – friends and crew members
landlubber – someone who knows little about the sea (pejorative)
marooned – left with no food, drink or belongings in a remote place/desert island
buried treasure – X marks the spot
a black spot
grog – rum for pirates
eye patch
pieces of eight – Spanish coin worth 8 reales
doubloons – Spanish (doblón) coin worth 2 escudos or 32 reales
privateer – sailor working on a private ship but with government permission to attack foreign vessels
son of a biscuit eater – an insult
walk the plank
sea legs – when a pirate can walk comfortably on a moving ship
three sheets to the wind – someone who is quite drunk
batten down the hatches Tie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm.
give no quarter – show no mercy
dead men tell no tales – leave no survivors behind
Davy Jones’ Locker – according to pirate fables, the watery grave awaiting them at the bottom of the sea
Jolly Roger – skull and crossbones flag of pirates
“Who’s a pretty boy then?” – what a pirate’s parrot traditionally says.
Pirate Quotes
“In an honest service, there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor.” – Black Bart
“If there’s a man among ye, ye’ll come up and fight like the man ye are to be!” – Mary Read
“You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course!” – Long John Silver,
“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” – Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. Who’s your favourite pirate?
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In next week’s episode: How to study English by yourself
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’