You’ll learn whenever to use words like whenever, however, whatever, whichever, wherever, whoever and whosever.
Whoever listens to this week’s podcast will avoid confusion with these words wherever you are in the world, and whatever you use English for.
However, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
whatever – anything at all’ or ‘it doesn’t matter what (lo que sea)
‘Please take whatever you want from the fridge if you feel hungry.’
‘Whatever you do, don’t tell Reza.
whichever – anyone at all’ or ‘it doesn’t matter which (cualquiera)
‘Whichever film you want to watch is ok by me.’
‘Take whichever one you like.’
whenever – any time at all or it doesn’t matter when (cuando sea)
‘Come and visit us whenever you like. We’re usually at home.’
‘Whenever I phone Reza, he never answers.’
wherever – any place at all’ or ‘it doesn’t matter where (donde sea)
‘Wherever you are, I’ll always be thinking of you.’
‘Wherever I go, I always feel like a foreigner.’
however – any way at all’ or ‘it doesn’t matter how (cualquier forma, de cualquier manera / como sea)
However can also mean sin embargo in Spanish. We’re not going to talk about that meaning here. If you want more information on this meaning, go to https://inglespodcast.com/55
‘However you try to explain these words, I still can’t understand them.’
‘However much money I earn, it’s never enough.’
whoever – any person at all’ or ‘it doesn’t matter who (quienquiera, cualquier persona / quien sea)
‘Whoever you ask, you will get the same answer.’
‘Whoever painted this flat did a fantastic job.’
whosever (possessive) – belonging to any person at all or ‘it doesn’t matter whose’ (de quien sea) – more used in spoken English than written.
‘Whosever wallet that is lying on the back seat of the bus, they can claim it tomorrow at the lost property office.
‘Whosever advice you take – mine or your mum’s – think carefully before you decide.’
NB. whosoever – an archaic variation of ‘whoever’. For example, in one of Reza’s granny’s all-time favourite Bible quotes – and, boy, did she know quite a few:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John, chapter 3, verse 16)
We can use wh-words with -ever to ask very emphatic questions. When we speak, we stress EVER:
‘However will you manage to live on such a small salary? ‘
‘Reza, whatever are you doing?’ (stronger than What are you doing?)
Whenever are you going to tidy your room?
Vague Language
What time shall I get to your place?
- Whenever. I’ll be at home all day.
Shall I send you the notes I have? - Yes, whatever. I’ll be doing my own research, too.
Sarcasm and annoyance
You’d better do your homework now before it gets too late.
Whatsoever is an emphatic form of whatever. It is most common after a negative phrase:
‘He seems to have no idea whatsoever.’
‘I can see no reason whatsoever why we need a new TV.’
What have you learned in this episode?…..
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Meghan Schiereck on Unsplash