We’re travelling virtually to Scotland today and we’ll help you with some specific vocabulary and pronunciation features that you might hear there.
There’s also a special guest on the podcast to help you understand more about the way the English language is spoken in Scotland.
Malcolm is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland. He’s also a qualified Cambridge oral examiner and has been living in Sagunto, Spain since 2012.
Voice message from Pablo from Madrid, living in Edinburgh
What’s the correct pronunciation of Edinburgh?
Words you may hear in Scotland
Lassie – girl / laddie – boy
Bairn / wean – baby
Aye – yes
Hen – dear, darling, love
Bonny – beautiful
Canny – clever
Wee – small (Carla noticed the use of the word ‘wee’ used a lot in Belfast https://inglespodcast.com/383)
A piece – a sandwich
A loch – a lake (lough in Ireland)
dreich – bad weather
stooshie – mess, muddle, commotion, fuss, uproar, row, state of anxiety
ken – y’know. Ye ken? Do you understand?
I dinnae ken – I don’t know
Nae bother! – No bother, no problem
braw – very good
mingin’ (minging), bad, smelly
Stop your greetin’ (greeting) – stop your crying
Your face is trippin’ (tripping) yer
What specific pronunciation features does the Scottish accent have?
You’ve got to get a lot of it.
Vowel changes
Head – hid
father – fether
The rolled ‘r’ – car, butter, bright red, bird
Extra syllable when ‘l’ comes after ‘r’ – girl (gir-l) and world (wor-ld) and Film – “fillum”
Also, the ‘oo’ and ‘u’ vowels are the same ‘Reza is very good with food.’
Put and pool and pull and hook – same vowel sounds
impolite – rude
Some Scots say ‘no’ instead of ‘not – It’s no a problem
Have’ne instead of have not – I haven’t got any
‘It’s no a problem if you havene got any.’
“Awa’ an bile yer heid”
“Away and boil your head!”
“Yer bum’s oot the windae!”
“Your bum is out the window” (‘Get lost!’ or ‘Forget it!’ – when someone’s talking rubbish)
(a wee) jobbie – dog’s mess
Questions for Malcolm
What brought you to Spain?
How does living here compare to Scotland?
How often do you wear a kilt?
What should you never say to a Scottish person?
Do you feel more Scottish than British?
How would you describe the average Scottish person’s relationship with England?
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: 8 different ways to pronounce ‘OUGH’
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Céline Geeurickx on Unsplash