On today’s podcast, you’ll learn 8 more colloquial expressions so that you can sound more like a native speaker.
Voice message from Francesca from Italy
‘give it a go’
‘set my mind to’
‘make the most of’
Squid Game on Netflix
Francesca also asked about material for CAE/C1 Advanced study. She says,
“My British Council teachers, which (who) I love, have chosen the Spotlight on Advanced book. But when I practice the exercises from that book I often get frustrated because I think they are harder than the Cambridge sample papers, isn’t it (aren’t they)? Can you suggest (recommend) me some other books or online sources to practice effectively? When I try exercises from C1 advanced trainer it goes better! I would also love some useful tips from you for the Cambridge exam! Thank you in advance very very much.
I suggested:
Past exam papers that you can download from the Cambridge website.
Francesca also commented on good things that came out of the pandemic: https://inglespodcast.com/388
Voice message from Irene from Zaragoza
Phrasal verbs for C1 Advanced
Is it indispensable (TO) know more than 300 items/words/phrasal verbs?
Most common phrasal verbs
Xleave apartX – put to one side
List of past episodes on phrasal verbs – How long does it take to learn a language? Ep.386
8 common colloquial expressions – Part 8
What it boils/comes down to is…
most important, basic aspect
What they want boils/comes down to just one thing; money.
Speaking a language well boils/comes down to being a good communicator.
In dribs and drabs
Small amounts that come or happen over a period of time.
During the summer, we received feedback and comments in dribs and drabs.
The election results are coming into the studio in dribs and drabs as the vote is being counted.
The whole nine yards / the whole hog / The whole shebang / lock stock and barrel
All of it, everything
When I was little, my family always had lots of pets – dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits – the whole nine yards.
What a fantastic meal we had at Mary’s house! Five types of canapés, two starters, fish course, meat course, three types of dessert, four types of wine, Cuban cigars afterwards with 20-year-old Scotch – the whole nine yards
When it comes to…
Used to identify the specific topic that is being talked about
When it comes to taking notes, I’m old school. I use pen and paper.
When it comes to pizza, I like lots of cheese.
In your dreams!
When you think that what someone wants is never going to happen or be true.
Craig thinks he is going to become a famous singer. In your dreams, mate!
Is that beautiful woman over there looking at me, Craig?
In your dreams, Reza!
As we speak
At this moment.
I won’t be late. I’m leaving the flat as we speak.
As we speak, people are dying of hunger in poorer countries around the world.
Give it a rest (would/will you)! / (why don’t you) give it a rest!- stop doing something or stop talking about something because it’s annoying you.
“Give it a rest, will you? We’re trying to get some sleep.”
“Give it a rest will you! That’s the third time you’ve criticized my Spanish this morning.”
“I’ve decided to give coffee a rest for a few weeks.”
My lips are sealed – Keep this to yourself. / Between you and me. / Mum’s the word. (This is a secret)
Between you and me, I heard your friend Bill was arrested for indecent exposure!
Can you keep a secret? It’s a scandal about Frank’s ex-wife’
Mum’s the word, mate. You can trust me. So, tell me.
“Please don’t tell anyone you saw me downloading pictures of Mickey Mouse.”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Pronunciation and vocabulary from Scotland with a special Scottish guest
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash