You’ll learn 24 money idioms and expressions that will make your English sound more natural.
Voice message from Ebiana from Argentina
If you want to go back and listen to the old episodes about money, they are:
Ebiana sent a couple of money stories. One was about Sir Isaac Newton (an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author). Newton was put in charge of the royal mint in 1696.
In those days, coins were made of gold and they were round and flat. The value of a coin was related to its weight and people would file a bit off the coin and melt down the gold to (literally) make some extra money.
This meant that the coins were smaller and weighed less. So they devalued.
Newton solved this problem by making small stripes all around the coin.
I couldn’t confirm the Rockefeller story about him counting the matches in a box as being true.
Money Idioms & Expressions
- Money makes the world go round
2. Time is money
3. To pay up
4. To pay someone off – to bribe someone
5. To bring home the bacon
6. Money doesn’t grow on trees
7. A nest egg
8. To save (up) for a rainy day
9. Pocket money / beer money
10. Bread and butter
11. Money for old rope
12. To pay peanuts
!3. A golden handshake
14. To be well-off / well-to-do / wealthy / affluent
15. To be loaded (with money) / rolling in it / stinking rich – Colloquial
16. To have more money than sense
17. A big spender
18. To pick up the tab
19. To foot the bill
20. To go Dutch
21. A money-making racket / scheme
22. To be on the payroll
23. To pour money down the drain
24. To throw good money after bad
What have you learned in this episode?…..
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Coincidences – another true story from Jose.
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash