We speak a lot about travel on this podcast. Flying around the world to visit other countries can be a wonderful adventure.
But should we be thinking more about climate change and the effect we are having on global warming every time we buy a plane ticket? Find out what we think in this episode.
Voice message from Rafael who thinks we should think more to save the planet.
XLast dayX – the other day
Xtoo much crowds of peopleX . Too many people/such large crowds of people
Nature and the Environment: https://inglespodcast.com/96
Renewable Energy https://inglespodcast.com/284
Should we travel less in order to help stop global warming?
How much should we, as individuals, accept responsibility for climate change?
Montreal Protocol, 1987
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 1992
Kyoto Protocol, 2005
Paris Agreement, 2015 (requires all countries to set emissions-reduction pledges)
COP26 in Glasgow November 2021
Every five years, countries are supposed to assess their progress toward implementing the agreement through a process known as the global stocktake; the first is planned for 2023.
Countries set their own targets, and there are no enforcement mechanisms to ensure they meet them.
Are governments doing enough?
Just 100 companies have been the source of more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. (Source: The Carbon Majors Database) https://templatelab.com/carbon-majors-report/
If we take the initiative and install solar panels in our homes, will they bring the ‘sun tax’ back’ and how can I be expected to buy an electric car when there’s nowhere to charge it?
Many celebrities publicly urge us all to think twice about the carbon footprint we might produce. Should we pay them any special attention just because they’re famous? Are they really any more responsible than the rest of us? Reza certainly doesn’t give a damn what fellow Irishman Bono of U2 has to say about saving the planet if this commonly reported story is true.
But let’s not pick only on Bono. It is a fact, not false news, that VIPs and important statesmen/women often jet across the world to go to Climate Change meetings, and sometimes in their own private jets. Outrageous hypocrisy!
There’s an old but still very common saying in English: “Practise what you preach!”
Preachy hypocrites can be terribly annoying!
I wonder just how much exotic food is flown into the Davos meetings to satisfy the very demanding tastes of some of the speakers there when they’re talking about how we all need to do our bit for the planet?
We hopefully can still save the planet if we all really do make more effort to consume sensibly and not just waste unnecessary resources while telling other people what they should do. Enough talking, more action, please! No more “blah, blah, blah…”
Greta Thunberg mocks world leaders in ‘blah, blah, blah’ speech – BBC News
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English. What do you think? How much should we, as individuals, accept responsibility for climate change?
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On next week’s episode: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash
Hi Reza and Craig. I have to admit that I was waiting impatiently for the answer to my message since two weeks ago, when you kindly let me know that you will talk about it very soon, and you certainly have not disappointed me.You have dealt with the subject very professionally and have talked about many problems related to it, and furthermore giving a sincere opinion, so I am very happy with it all.
Well guys, first of all I do not consider myself the most perfect block in the universe, as the majority of the people, I have my doubts and inconsistencies, but one think I don’t doubt at all is that our planet is changing very quickly and most of us don’t even care. And I don’t have any doubt not only because I have lived in and traveled around this world for 52 years, and I’ve seen
how we treat our nature and animals, but also because our scientists have proved it.
I didn’t want to sound preachy with my voice message, but we should, at least, be aware of the real situation of our home, and we should , at least, try to push all these politicians and big companies to do their best, no bla bla bla, to save the planet of our descendants, since it’s not ours any more.
And yes every single bit in our life behaviour matters, it can make a big difference. Changes have never came from the super powerful people, they feel pretty comfortable as the things currently are, but we shouldn’t accept them. Maybe, as Craig said, we are not the ones to save or change the world, but at least we can imagine as in the John Lenon’s song.
I believe in people, the ones like Greta, with energy to change things, to gather others around and fight against the stablishment, and we the rest, unable to do many things, should respect and support them.
Where to draw the line? Yep, this might be the perfect start to change the situation and to consider how our actions may damage our environment.
Craig, maybe I’m a bit dreamer, I’m not perfect either, but I tend to think that our small actions can help.I wouldnt be the one who forbide anything, but something needs to be done in favour of our descendants future.
I hope you both enjoy your next trip, but remember about drawing the tiny line at least, the more far you go, the more you tavel it doesn’t necessarily means the happier you will be, beauty is everywhere, and this wild tourism we are seeing everywhere is one of the big causes that damages and sometimes ruins landscapes and even cultures around the world, thanks a lot for your analysis.
All the best.
“You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon. I hope you are right, Rafa, and that we can turn this situation around make the world a better place. Like I said on the podcast, I’m not optimistic. Let’s see what countries ‘pledge’ to do at COP26.