Peanuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts…..there are so many different kinds of nuts in the world that you could go nuts trying to remember them all!
On this podcast, we’ll help you keep your nuts in order and you’ll learn some idioms connected to nuts.
Voice message from Alba from Barcelona
Getting tired XfromX OF me
The village of my husband – My husband’s village
Veterinary Vocabulary and Expressions with Pets: https://inglespodcast.com/97
A Day in the Life of Coco the Podcasting Dog: https://inglespodcast.com/365 (We’re a dog-friendly podcast)
What are the 5 healthiest nuts?
Almonds – marzipan
Pecans – pecan pie
Hazelnuts – Nutella
Definition of a nut:
a type of fruit comprising a shell and a [single] seed… and they do not split open to release their seeds when ripe. (https://www.lexico.com/explorar/is-a-coconut-a-nut)

Other nuts & seeds
Brazil nuts
Peanuts – peanut butter
Pine nuts
Flax seeds
Sunflower seeds
Chia seeds
Tiger nuts – horchata de Alboraia, Valencia
Is a coconut really a nut or a fruit? And what’s the difference?
So, technically coconuts are not nuts, nor are sunflower, flax or chia seeds. Coconuts are fruits, whereas sunflower, flax and chia seeds are seeds. Some seeds can be considered nuts, but only if it’s one single seed inside a hard shell.
Expressions with nuts
To be nuts – It’s driving me nuts!
To be nuts ABOUT something – very enthusiastic/obsessive
I’m a podcast nut. I’m nuts about her/him
Nutty (adjective), a nutcase, a nut job, a fruit and nutcase
In a nutshell
It’s a tough nut to crack
To nut someone (verb) (to headbutt)
Use your nut (head, brain)
Kick someone in the nuts – VERY PAINFUL!
Nuts and bolts – another type of nut, not edible – tuercas y tornillos
Some music to help you relax, and perhaps listen to while revising this vocabulary:
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: 8 common colloquial expressions – part 7
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Raspopova Marina on Unsplash