You’ll learn 8 more common colloquial expressions so that you can speak English in a more natural way.
Voice message from Daniel from Mexico who gave us the idea for episode 368 Anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, somebody, someone, everybody and everyone.
perhaps and maybe
Probability adverbs; certainly, maybe, perhaps – AIRC37 https://inglespodcast.com/37
too and also
TOO and ALSO: https://inglespodcast.com/22
‘As well’ comes at the end of a clause: Reza teaches English. Craig does as well.
‘As well’ is more common in speaking than in writing, and is more common in speaking than also: I’ll have the fish please, and some chips as well.
8 more common colloquial expressions
Part 1: https://inglespodcast.com/371
Part 2: https://inglespodcast.com/373
- Gotcha! /Got it! (I understand you)
- (Now) That’s what I call + NOUN /ing/ ADJ.! (a car / a holiday / music / love / living the dream / taking it easy / a steak / a chocolate cake / a shirt / scary / weird)
- See if I care! / Like I care! / As if I care! (Do what you want. I don’t care)
“Go ahead and eat all the biscuits. See if I care!”
“Call your mother and tell her I said she’s a nosey old cow. Like I care / As If I care!” - It’s not the end of the world. / The world won’t end.
“I’m sorry I broke the only thing you had to remind you of your grandmother, but it’s not the end of the world.”
“It won’t be the end of the world / The world won’t end if it rains on the day of the wedding.”
“Losing your job does not have to be the end of the world.” - I feel you (Informal US English) – to understand on a deep and personal level) / I get it / I hear you
- Sorry, no can do (I can’t do it) / No way, José.
“I want the whole team to work this weekend.”
“No can do, I’m afraid.”
“Can I borrow your car tomorrow?” – “Sorry, no can do, I need it myself.”
“Would you lend your brand new Ferrari to that 18-year-old driver?” – “No way, José!”
7. Go for it! / Do it!
“I’m thinking of handing in my notice and going freelance.” – “Go for it!”
“I’m not sure if I should compete in the marathon.” – “Do it, man! You’re fit enough.”
8. In this day and age. (Nowadays, these days)
“In this day and age computers are an essential part of getting work done.”
“It’s unbelievable that in this day and age people are still dying from hunger.”
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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On next week’s episode: Intensifiers – Part 2 (STRONGLY disagree, ABSOLUTELY amazing, HIGHLY likely etc)
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Artur Kornakov on Unsplash
muy buen entrenamiento con el idioma, es la primera vez que los escucho y aspiro a entenderlos un poco mejor. muchas gracias.
Thank you for listening, Carlos.