You’re very welcome to this episode of the podcast, and we really mean it.
We’re pretty sure we’ll be able to explain quite a few things fairly well to you.
You’ll learn about the words really, very, quite, pretty and fairly so that you can use these intensifiers correctly in English.
An email from Pablo Borioli from Córdoba, Argentina
Thank you for your kind words about the podcast.
Pablo asked the question, ‘Is it possible to find in your website inglespodcast.com an index of all the podcasts you´ve done to see all the different topics available?’
It’s a good idea but I doubt we’ll have the time to make the list AND keep it updated. Maybe someone could volunteer to make a list for us?
In the meantime, use the search box on the website to find a topic.
Voice message from Pedro from Burgos, Spain.
Pedro asked about small talk with colleagues (Opiates, book recommendations and improving your fluency – AIRC369)
Good use of tenses: I had already started working remotely (past perfect) because I found some opportunities…(past simple)
it comes with a downside
pronunciation of ‘foreign’
Voice message Daniel from Colombia
I’m tempted to XtakingX TAKE the IELTS exam
So, too, very, quite, such, enough
It’s very confusing (you are confused)
Thanks for your XhelpingX help. (Thanks for helping me.)
Too and enough in episode 122
Too, Enough and Religion Vocabulary – AIRC122
So and such in episode 45: https://inglespodcast.com/45
Really, very, quite, pretty and fairly – intensifiers
They are ADVERBS that are often used in front of adjectives and adverbs. (NOT used to modify verbs, unlike most other adverbs.) They usually, but not always, make the adjectives and adverbs more powerful.
Very and really are strong intensifiers:
Reza and Craig are VERY/REALLY good teachers. – better than just good
It’s REALLY/VERY hot. – more than a little/bit hot
Daniel speaks English REALLY/VERY well. – better than just well
Quite can have different meanings:
I’m not quite ready. Can you wait for a few minutes? (almost ready, not completely)
Sure, I’m quite happy to wait. (very happy, completely happy)
That’s not quite true (not completely true)
I don’t quite see it that way. (not completely)
That’s quite enough of that! – Stop doing or saying that.
That’s quite alright. – No problem, don’t worry.
There can be a difference in use between British and American English.
These cookies are quite good. (very good – US)
These biscuits are quite good. (not bad but not as good as they could be, I prefer the chocolate ones – UK)
Stress and intonation can affect the meaning of QUITE:
A- Did you enjoy the new Disney film?
B- Yes, it was quite good. (Better than I’d expected./Surprisingly good.) Stress on good.
A- Did you enjoy the new Disney film?
B- Yes, it was quite good. (But not as good as I’d expected./But not fantastic.) Stress on quite.
Pretty and fairly as intensifiers
It’s pretty expensive, but I’m still going to buy it. (quite – más bien, bastante)
Note: quite goes before the article – It’s quite an expensive phone.
Pretty goes after the article – It’s a pretty expensive phone.
I didn’t get top marks in the exam, but my results were fairly good. (reasonable, acceptable)
Fairly goes after the article – It’s a fairly cheap restaurant.
We hope you can now use really, very, quite, pretty and fairly with confidence and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Javier Lópeix
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On next week’s episode: 8 more common colloquial expressions
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The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash
Hi, Reza and Craig
Today i have started listening to your english podcast and i hope it will help me alot.. Though my English skills not good enough but one day i hope my english english become fluency
Thank you very much
Thanks for listening, Ahmed. We hope our podcast will help you with your English.