Most of us like to have some alcohol from time to time. In this episode, you’ll learn some words and expressions so that you can talk about having a drink in English.
There is some language in this episode that may not be appropriate for children.
Voice message from Alex from Germany.
‘In hindsight, it was a superb choice’ – Hindsight is notably cleverer than foresight.
It’s not only that I’ve been able to polish up my English. – Not only have I been able to brush up my English…
To kill two birds with one stone.
Voice message from Francisco from Chile
Thanks a lot for XputX (putting)
XThats remind me the accent of RezaX – that reminds me of Reza’s accent.
Drinking idioms and expressions
Spirits – (hard) liquor e.g.whisky, gin, rum, vodka, etc.
Beer: lager / Real ale / bitter etc. Beer – AIRC203
Bubbly = Champagne
A pint or half a pint of beer or cider
Brewer’s droop – an unfortunate temporary predicament suffered by gentlemen who would like to engage in sexual activity, but who find themselves unable due to drinking too much!
It’s on me = I’ll pay
To buy a round (of drinks)
“It’s my/your/his/her round!” (or ‘shout’) – ‘I’ll get them in.’
“Cheers! / Good health / Here’s to….”
To propose a toast (to someone/something) – to toast
“I’ll drink to that!”
To be on the wagon
To be as sober as a judge
To be (a bit) tipsy / light-headed
To slur your speech
To have Dutch courage – the confidence you get from being drunk.
To have/need a stiff drink
(Alcoholic drinks) go to your head – some more than others!
To be legless / wasted / three sheets to the wind / plastered / out of it / off your head / as drunk as a skunk / pissed as a newt (tritón) or fart or lord / to be shitfaced/ rat-arsed
To drink someone under the table
To drink like a fish
A functioning alcoholic
To bottle things up
To drown your sorrows
To have one for the road
To have a hangover / to be hungover
A hair of the dog (that bit you)
A pub crawl
A piss-up
“S/he couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery!”
An old saying: Never trust a man who doesn’t drink./ Don’t trust a man who never drinks.
Old Scottish/Irish saying: When the drink’s in, the wit’s out!
…and now it’s your turn to practise your English.
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Julio Flore Camino
Luis Andrés Sáenz Robles
Nuria Montilla
Roberto Serrano
Carolina Rateiro
In next week’s episode: A day in the life of Coco.
The music in this podcast is by Pitx. The track is called ‘See You Later’
Photo by Elevate on Unsplash
Hello Craig and Rezar,
many thanks that you published my voice message on your last podcast. As so often it is irritating or odd listening to my recorded voice. Your corrections and hints have been handy and invaluable for me. They have pointed out a couple of fields where I am able to become better.
I want you both to be careful because it could happen that I send more voice messages to you soon :-D.
My best wishes,
Don’t worry, we’ll be careful 🙂 We look forward to hearing more from you. Have a great week, Alex.